Chapter 55: Love, Trust & Choices

Start from the beginning

“Of course not! It’s her dream to act, who am I to take it away?” the other says. “It’s just that… if you were in my situation you would feel the same, okay? You just don’t know how it feels…”

Lee Soo Man, who just happen to watch the shooting session, came over to the Super Junior spot and faces Donghae. “You look so distracted, Hae.”

“I’m really sorry, sajangnim” with head bowed down, he apologized sincerely.

“We’ll shoot a different scene for now, go take the day off” he says.

The young fellow bites his lip, in guilt. The drama is being adjusted just for him. That’s shameful on his part. “No it’s okay sajangnim, I can do it”

“Nah. You need it. Besides someone is waiting for you by the front”

Front? Who?

The Super Junior members were the first one to react, swiftly they left their places and immediately went outside.

Automatically they were thinking it’s Dara. But it wasn’t her.

Donghae was slowly walking heading to the front lobby of SM building.

“Fishy! It’s your son!” Sungmin called out, not yet revealing on who it is.


A red weird looking bunny plushie was being thrown in the air towards him. Haeru? He says when it landed perfectly on his arms. How is Haeru here?

“Annyeong!” A tall sunbae / hyung raises his hand while resting his arm on the lobby desk. “Sup, Hae?”

“Se7en hyung” Donghae greeted him politely, not expecting his visit.

“I’ve already talked to your president, mind if I steal you for the day?”

“I’ll just get my bag nae?” Donghae says, and runs upstairs to the locker room.

“Ya.Ya.ya. Hyung, is this another YG test?” some of the members whop were left with him, asked. “Can you just give him a break?”

“He’s in a bad mood you see…”

“Is this about Dara’s drama?”

“You know?”

“Of course. Bom was in chaos hearing about scene 21” telling them about how the alien idol spread the news like wildfire in their company. Saying, “Scene 21 jjang! 2NE1 jjang!”

“but don’t worry guys, it’s not a YG test” the sunbae says with a reassuring smile.

And he wasn’t lying, it really wasn’t a YG test.

Instead it’s just a casual hangout between two guys. Remember how back then, Se7en told him they should eat out some time. Well this is it.

Se7en really want to use this chance to know Dara’s boyfriend better. They went to a classy coffee shop around the area of Itaewon, all three of them. Se7en, Donghae and his son, Haeru.

“Oh by the way, there’s a letter” he recalled, and pulls out a folded paper from his jacket’’s pocket and hands it to the guy across him, who was busily hugging the toy on his arms.

[ Dear daddy, I know you’re upset and lonely lately because mommy is giving you hard time again. But while she can’t be in your side, and my siblings are still non-esxistent. Can Baby Haeru stay with you for now? Hug me In case you miss mommy, okay? I love you. - Haeru ]

Donghae can’t help not to smile, how dare she calls him the cheesy one, when she wrote him this mushy letter? He plunged his face down on the doll sitting by his lap.

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