Susie's symptoms

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Susie wasn't feeling it today. She just felt...sick. Not like a normal sick though, she felt like something was wrong.

She went around the house, looking for Kris. When she found them, Kris asked " Why do you look like your gonna puke?". Susie tried to speak but she felt so sick that she fell to the floor, losing control over her body.

Kris called for Toriel and she immediately gave Susie some medication. Toriel told Kris to go shopping for a few things before Susie awakes. Kris left and went to the shops.

Meanwhile, things for Susie weren't looking great.

Susie POV

I woke up with a slight thumping pain in the head and felt sick. I saw Toriel getting something out of the cupboard.

It was a... Pregnancy test?!?

Oh my God, what if... I'm pregnant? That'd explain everything. I was suddenly shaking. Toriel ran to me and said " Sshh... it's ok.. I'm just going to help you test".

I followed Toriel to the bathroom and sat on the toilet. Toriel opened my legs up and asked " Does your genitals hurt?". I nodded.

She gently placed two fingers in my entrance and slowly placed them on my g spot. I moaned as I started peeing on the test. Toriel noticed my fear and groped my breasts, placing her hands in my shirt. I ended up peeing alot.

She brought the test to the sink and waited for the results.

Test loading....
Initiating frequency....
Results verified..

You are pregnant....

Toriel screamed " Oh my god, your pregnant!". I cried " I'm only 16.. aahhhh!".

Toriel didn't know what to do, but she said " H-hey I'm happy for you, don't be ashamed. I'm sure you'll make a good mother".

I replied " Aww.. thanks".

We exited the room and found Kris waiting on the couch. Toriel winked at me and left.

I sat next to Kris and said " Kris, I'm pregnant".

Kris gaped " W-wha? I'm so sorry S-susie !". I shook my head " No! It's fine, we can just leave school anyways, I'm nearly 17... so are you".

Kris hugged me " Susie... you'll make a great mother".


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