Diana Kogane

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Full name: Diana Allura Kogane

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Full name: Diana Allura Kogane

Aliases/Nicknames: Kiddo (by Keith), Dee (Which she hates being called sometimes), Nocturne ( as a code name in The Blades), Abomination (By Princess Mara).

Date of birth: December 1

Age: 18

Eye colour: Purple-grey

Hair colour: Raven (purple highlights when turning to her galra side)

Keith Kogane (Father)
Teresa Petras (Mother)
Krolia (Grandmother)
Keith's Dad (Grandfather, deceased)
Oberon (Grandfather, deceased)
Maria Petras (Grandmother, deceased)
Commander Iverson (Godfather, to Teresa's side)

Friends: Owen, Noah, Kitty, Charlie.

Love interest/s: Zeiden

Enemies: The Imperial Empire, Princess Mara, Angor, King Azazel

Species: Human-Galran and Altean hybrid (Tribrid)

Occupation: Paladin of the Red Lion, member of the Blade of Marmora.

Hobbies: Sword fighting, Drawing/Sketching, Practicing magic, reading.

Weapons: Sword

Abilities: Galra senses, Altean strength, Speed, Magic (Kinda like Scarlet Witches' power)

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Abilities: Galra senses, Altean strength, Speed, Magic (Kinda like Scarlet Witches' power)

Background: Diana was born a tribrid and the first one to exist. At a young age she had discovered she had powers unlike any others. Because of the new discovery, she had to be trained on how to control it. Like her father, Diana learnt how to sword fight. As for her powers, like her mother, she had to be trained at Altea by Lula. She was one of the best and skilled fighters anyone has ever seen.

Actress: Hailee Steinfeld .

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