Teresa Petras

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(The photo of the girl with flowers is how I imagine her in the Voltron show, just ignore the flowers

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(The photo of the girl with flowers is how I imagine her in the Voltron show, just ignore the flowers. Also I do not own this photo, this was from Pinterest.)

Full name: Teresa Petras.

Heritage: Greek.

Nicknames: Teri (by her close friends and family), Beautiful (by Lance), Paladin of the Purple Lion, Number Five (by Coran), Oberon's Daughter.

Heritage: Human-Altean hybrid

Age: 19 (season 1) 20 (season 6), early 30s in the future.

Birthday: April 12.

Oberon (Father, deceased.)
Maria Petras (Mother, deceased.)
Commander M. Iverson (Godfather)
Keith Kogane (Husband)
Diana Kogane (Daughter)
Krolia (Mother in law)

Eye colour: Gold

Hair colour: Dark brown with light brown highlights. (With white streaks in some seasons later.)

Personality: Teresa is independent and selfless. She is opened to anyone when she has a problem. She is caring when it comes to the people she holds dear, and would do anything to make sure they are okay. At times she can be stubborn.

Occupation: Paladin of the Purple Lion of Voltron (formerly), Medical Officer at the Garrison.

Hobbies: Drawing/Sketching, painting, combat training, meditating.

Bayard Weapon: Staff/Bow and Arrow.

Backstory: Teresa grow up a normal life on Earth. Teresa was born deaf. She was raised by her mother Maria, but she didn't grow up with her father. Her father left when she was two. She only remembers little things about him, but she couldn't remember his face. Growing up, Teresa had easily adapted being deaf, and being used to the silence. She had to have hearing aids and learn sign language and she even learnt how to read lips. Often times, people judged her for being different, calling her hearing loss a weakness but she saw it as a strength. Julia dreamed of exploring space in the Galaxy Garrison just like her mom. Her mother was the Admiral of the Garrison. She successfully entered in, and life was perfect. Unfortunately, her mother sadly died to cancer. She felt her heart shattered into pieces when she heard the news. Thankfully she had her godfather, Commander Iverson. A few years later, One night Teresa snuck out at night with Hunk and Lance to find Pidge, only to discover that we're going to get crazier.

Outfit in the series

I decided to change her outfit into something different so I liked this one in particular as I thought this suited her, as for the photo above I used that reference from the colours. In addition of having her wear leggings. Boots I had to be specific so I found these ones  I liked. As for colours, just imagine that the outfit has one thing purple, such as the top.

 As for colours, just imagine that the outfit has one thing purple, such as the top

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Here is the necklace she wearsJust imagine the stone as amethyst

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Here is the necklace she wears
Just imagine the stone as amethyst

Here is the necklace she wearsJust imagine the stone as amethyst

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