Chapter 13 - Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend

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"Winn, give me an update."

Hands on hips, Kara stands in the security room of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC as guards spread out through the museum. Only two remain with her, and their hurried motions and tension tell her they understand the seriousness of this situation. They've had a breach in a system that management guaranteed her was unbreachable. Kara has been around too long and seen too much to believe in the perfect security system, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep working to perfect one.

"Okay, I've overridden the alarm override. Man, this was some prime hacking. Do you think—"

"Winn, update me now and fanboy later. Are the cameras back online?"

"Negative. I keep getting rerouted to episodes of that old cartoon, Gargoyles, and may I say, it's an underrated show."

As much as Kara appreciates Winn's work, these are the sorts of comments that get him on Alex's bad side, and Kara can see why. "Yeah, yeah, it's a gem, but it's not the one we're looking for. What can you tell me?"

"Um... I have control of the elevators again. They're all locked in place one level below the roof."

"Keep them there. Wait, send the security elevator down to me ASAP."

"On its way."

It only takes seconds for the elevator to arrive, and Kara steps inside, a little surprised to see it vacant. She hops up, knocking the hatch open before jumping, grabbing the lip, and pulling herself up. Hanging in a chin up position, all she sees are elevator bits. She's alone.

"Looking for anyone in particular?"

"It would be just like her to escape through the security room. She loves the dramatic touch." She drops back down, toes tapping out her anxiety. "Winn, we're running out of time. This thief isn't going to just hang around all day waiting to be caught."

"I know. I know. Do you think I don't know? I know. Oh, wait, motion sensors are back online. Take that, Demona."


"Oh, Demona is the female antagonist on Gargoyles. She's tough and kind of hot if you like the winged, claw-footed, bad girl with a tail who turns to stone in sunlight type."

"Winn," Kara threatens with just his name, but it lacks Alex's bite.

"Yeah, yeah. Okay, you have motion in the basement, ground floor, level two, and on the roof. Pinging your security guards to locate where they are and— The roof! You have no security on the roof. She's there."

"On my way." Pushing the button multiple times doesn't move the elevator faster, but that fact doesn't stop Kara from trying.

"Hey, Ruby wants to know if you're coming home tonight or tomorrow. There's a movie she wants to see, but you promised to take her. She's asking me to buy tickets."

"It should be tonight now that we've reached this stage. Can you reach out and get the plane fueled and ready for departure?"

"Sure, want me to turtle wax your car while I'm at it?"

Kara chuckles and resists the urge to answer in the affirmative. The way Alex has Winn jumping at commands, he just might do it. "How is Ruby doing without Sam or Alex? Is she okay?"

"With her Uncle Winn? She's having a grand time. It's video games and pizza every night."

"You promised Sam she'd eat her vegetables." It may be a bit hypocritical for Kara to say, but her lack of ability to get anyone to eat their vegetables is exactly why Winn was tasked with the job of childcare.

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