Chapter 14

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After the sports festival I went back to Katsuki's house and talked with his parents. Apparently when I ran up to Katsuki and tried to calm him down during his panic attack wasn't televised. I thought of mentioning it, but I left it. If Katsuki wants to tell them he will.

The next day at school my teacher asked me to stay after class. I did as he asked and walked up to him after everyone left. "(y/n), I thought I should let you know, that the school has their eye on you after the sports festival." He handed me a piece of paper and went on to explain. "That's an application form, I would suggest you fill it out. If you are interested they may move you to the hero course. If you fill out that form they will watch to see if you continue to show promise, and they may set you up for private lessons to catch you up with the hero course. If you fill it out now and change your mind later you do not have to follow through with it, and you can stay in the support course." I looked over the application quickly and looked back up to my teacher. "Thank you, I'll have to think about it."

I walked out of the classroom to see Katsuki waiting outside. "What took you so long?"

"My teacher wanted to show me something."


"I'll show you when we get to your house."


"So, how was your day Kat?"

"Well something really cool is gonna happen."


"I'll tell you when we get home." He responded with a smirk.

"Ok, fine." I handed him the application and he looked at it confused.

"What's this?"

"I might move into the hero course." His eyes went wide and he got a huge smile on his face.

"That's awesome (y/n)! Are you gonna do it?"

"Yeah, I mean if I change my mind I can back out."

"That's true."

"So, what was your good news?"

"Well, I can't exactly say it's good new. It's kind of...bittersweet." I cocked my head to the side in confusion. "Do you want the good or bad part first?"


"Who wants bad first? You're such a weirdo."

"Don't question my reasons. Now get on with it."

"I have to leave for a week."

"Wait where are you going?"

"That's the nice part, I'm gonna be doing hero workplace field training under Best Jeanist."

"That's amazing!"

"I know so I'll get to learn what its's like firsthand."

"When do you leave?"

"In a few days."

"I'm so happy for you Kat." I felt my phone buzz and I looked at the notification.

Unknown: Meet me here next week or I will get rid of those you care about.

I ignored it and put my phone back. I had been getting more of these anonymous texts recently. It's starting to creep me out, but I think everything will be okay. "What was that?"

"Oh, just some random person. They keep sending me these weird messages."

"Like what?"

"Nothing important, just random stuff." I didn't want him to worry about it so I wouldn't tell him unless I started to get worried about it. He nodded and we walked into his house, I didn't have work today so I could relax. I got something for me and Katsuki to eat, then met him up in his room. I laid down next to him on the bed. "Hey katsuki?"


"Uh, so you know how you're gonna be leaving soon?"


"Umm, well it's been a while since I moved in."

"What do you mean? Are you gonna leave?"

"No, it's you remember what happened the day after I moved in here?"


"'s just, c-can I mark you?" He stayed silent for a second. "It's okay if you don't want to, I know it means a lot to do that and you may not feel that close. I just don't want you to be sniffed out by another alpha if you're so far away. If something were to happen I wouldn't be able to do anything. Not that you can't protect yourself you're one of the strongest people I know. You're just at your most vulnerable when you go into heat, and I just-


"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, you can mark me."

"O-okay, uhh do you want me to right now?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Ok, once again are you sure? Cause this-

"Just fucking do it." He pulled his shirt off as he spoke. I nodded and scooted so I was a little closer. I stared at his body, I still wasn't used to this. "Can you please not stare?"

"S-sorry, I just haven't gotten used to how amazing you look." He started to blush as I finished talking. I leaned forward and towards his neck. "You ready?" I only got a grunt in response but I knew what it meant. I slowly bit down at the intersection between his shoulder and neck. He let out a wince at first but as I started to bite down more it turned into a slight moan. When I finished I had drawn a little blood. I licked it up and looked over what I had done proudly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I smiled back at that and laid down on his bed. He laid down next to me and put his head on my chest. "I love you (y/n)." I heard Katsuki whisper quietly.

"I love you too kat." I slowly drifted off to sleep with the weight of Katsuki on me.

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