Chapter 7

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A/n: Just a warning it is kind of spicy in the beginning, I will put another a/n when it's over, so you can skip to there if you don't want to read this.

I woke up to an intoxicating smell, almost like caramel. I shifted around to find the source since it smelled very strong. I started to wake up some more, and felt Katsuki shift. I had apparently spooned him even as we slept. I realized a tightness in my shorts and started to move back so Katsuki wouldn't notice my morning wood poking him as he woke up.

"Nnngh (y/n)..."

My eyes widened, was he talking in his sleep? He shifted so his ass was against me again. I was about to move away, but he started to grind into me, and I couldn't resist it. As he continued it felt like the caramel smell got stronger. He started to moan a little and get louder, so I quickly woke him up before his parents thought something was up. "Katsuki." I shook him lightly as I spoke.

"Everything okay?" His voice was a little raspy since he just woke up and I found it really pleasing.

"Y-yeah, it's just that you started to move around a bit and talk in your sleep."

"Oh sorry, I'll try not to. You should get some more sleep though."

"Do you happen to remember what you were dreaming about?"

"Umm..." He furrowed his brow in concentration, and suddenly stopped after a little bit turning bright red.


"Was I loud?"

"Not really, but you started getting louder, so I woke you up."

"Did my parents hear?"

"I don't think so."

"Ok good. Um what exactly was I doing and saying."

"Umm you kind of started to moan and grind into me."

"What?!" He whispered yelled not wanting to alert anyone.

"Don't worry, I don't think anyone heard, but we should go downstairs. I think someone is cooking, based on that caramel smell."

"Caramel smell?"

"Yeah, do you not smell it? It's really strong, and it smells soo good."

"Oh, no I smell it too. You should go get changed and everything in the bathroom. I'll meet you downstairs."

"Ok." I walked out, he was acting a little odd, it was probably just cause of earlier. I started to blush a little thinking about it. I got downstairs to find Mr. and Mrs. Bakugou eating some cereal. I walked over and realized the caramel smell was gone.

(A/n: It's no longer inappropriate if you wanted to skip that part.)

"Goodmorning (l/n)."

"Goodmorning." They probably noticed my confused face and questioned it.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I just smelled something really sweet upstairs, so I'm confused about what it was, cause now it's more faint. Does Katsuki have a caramel air freshener or something?"



"No, nothing like that." Mrs. Bakugou started to look a little worried, then nudged her husband, and they shared a knowing look.


"You should start getting ready for school so you're not late."  She started to head upstairs as she spoke.

"Right." I started to pour myself some cereal and eat. Once I finished Katsuki still wasn't downstairs.

Mrs. Bakugou came downstairs then. "Where's Katsuki?"

"Oh, he's not feeling well today, could you tell his teacher that?"

"Yeah." I started to walk outside and towards school. On my way there I heard someone call my name. I looked over to see Kaminari running over. "Hey Kaminari."

"Where's Bakugou? I usually walk with him to school."

"Oh he's not feeling well so he's staying home today." He nodded and we continued walking to school, talking on the way there. "Hey could you tell your teacher that Bakugou's sick?"


"Thanks." We started walking different ways and to our classes.

Time skip

Once classes were over I started to walk out and saw Kirishima, and Kaminari talking. "Oh (l/n), could you take these to Bakugou? It's the class work he missed today." I nodded and took a few papers from Kirishima.

"I've gotta go, I'll see you guys tomorrow though." I turned around and started walking towards Katsuki's house. I knocked on the door and no one answered. I rang the doorbell instead in case nobody heard it. Katsuki opened the door wrapped in a blanket. When he saw me he blushed a ton and held the blanket closer.

"(Y-y/n)." I could smell the sweet caramel like scent again.

"Hey, I've got your class work from today." I started to walk in to hand him the papers and put away my bag.

"I'm sorry, but you can't be here right now."


"I'll tell you later, just not now."

"Ok, I'll be back after my shift at the shop."

"Y-you can't stay the night either."

"W-what? D-did I do something wrong?"

"No it's just..." he reached out as if to hug me, but then stopped himself. "I can't talk about it right now, I'll tell you tomorrow."

"Please, just tell me what's going on."

"I'll tell you tomorrow, but you need to go now." He started to close the door so I walked away.

As I worked I didn't see Bakugou come in the entire time. After my shift was over I texted Kirishima.

Me: Hey is it okay if I stay over tonight?

Kirishima: Sure

I walked over to Kirishima's house and knocked on the door. He opened it up and I came inside. "Hey (l/n)!"

"Hey!" We went up to his room, and I sat on his desk chair while he sat on his bed.

"Is everything okay with Bakugou, I thought you'd be staying there every day now since you're dating."

"I don't know. I think I might have upset him or something. I got there this afternoon to give him his papers. He opened the door, and told me I had to go, and I couldn't stay the night. I don't know what I did wrong." I said the last part starting to tear up a little.

"Whoah, I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong. Bakugou's probably just going through something right now." He gave me hug as he spoke, seeing that I was on the verge of tears.

"Thanks, Kirishima." We sat there for a while, talking about random things. I could tell Kirishima was trying to keep the subject away from Katsuki.

Forbidden Love: Bakugou x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now