Chapter 10

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The next week when we got back to school my teacher had an announcement. "Later this week will be the start of the UA sports festival!" My entire class cheered and yelled in excitement. "As part of the support course you will be allowed to bring any inventions that you made yourself. So if there's anything your working on I'd try to get that done as soon as possible."

After classes were done I started walking over to Katsuki's classroom. When I got there I saw a giant crowd surrounding the door, so I stayed back a little. After a bit Katsuki got through and saw me so we started walking back to his house. "Are you excited for the sports festival?"

"Yeah, but not cause it's fun. This is my chance to prove that an omega can be the best and fight for themselves."

"I know you can do it kat."


"Sorry, do you not like it?"

"No I like it, I was just caught off guard."

"Ok." I gave a little smile in response.

"Do you want to train with me for the sports festival?"

"Of course!"

"Okay, see you soon."

"See you soon." Katsuki went into his house, and I continued towards the cafe.

Once my break started I walked over to Katsuki and sat down across from him. "Y'know, you're quite dangerous for my job." He gave me a look that seemed to say "How so?". "Every time i see you sitting over here I find myself watching you a little too closely." I succeeded in making him blush.

"I guess I'll just have to stay at my house from now on."

"No, I like the risk."

My break ended and I got back to work. As I was heading into the back room I got a notification on my phone.

Unknown: Hello (y/n) (l/n).

Me: Who is this?

Unknown: That doesn't matter right now

I got another notification from the mystery person, but I ignored it. Probably just a prank from like Kaminari. As I walked with Bakugou back to his home we talked about training together. Once I got back to Bakugou's house I dropped off my stuff and we left to do some training.

While we were there I decided to take advantage of the fact that we can use our own inventions and my quirk. I practiced and was able to figure out how to smooth out a piece of metal enough to make Katsuki slip and fall like ice. I then shaped the metal and covered his hands so he couldn't make any explosions. It continued like this for a while, me beating him again and again. Eventually I got tired out and Katsuki beat me. After that we called it a day and started walking back to his house. Once we got back to his house we went into his room, tired out and flopping onto our beds.

"I'm gonna go take a shower, ok Kat?"

"Okay, let me know when you're done."

"Or you could just come with me." He started blushing a ton and got really red.

"I- ...You-..." He let out a sigh and I walked off into the bathroom.

Once I finished showering I walked back into the room to let Katsuki know. When he finished up we walked downstairs to eat dinner. This seemed to become our regular schedule for the next week as we prepared for the UA sports festival.

Time skip

"You excited for today Kat?"

"Fuck yeah!"

Forbidden Love: Bakugou x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now