Coming out||Korra x Asami

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Request: "Korrasami?"

Okay so when I got this request I didn't know what to do but it came to me and I love it. Also yes this is Mako's reaction to Korrasami, I wrote this before reading the legend of korra turf wars part 1 comic where it has his actual reaction to them so I promise I am not copying bc its very different.

Summary: In which Korra and Asami decide to tell close friends about their relationship

Asami and I are sitting at the table waiting for Bolin, Opal, and Mako to get here. We have decided after getting back from the spirit world, that we are finally gonna tell our friends about our relationship. We are worried obviously because this is a huge thing and not everyone is excepting, though I feel that they aren't the type of people to not accept us. We are obviously also nervous about what Mako will say.

"Hey, guys!" Bolin screams as he sits in the booth with Opal and Mako joining in.

"How was the spirit world?" Opal asks.

"Um... fun I guess. It was a nice vacation." Asami says.

"So you said you needed to tell us something?" Mako asks.

"Lets order first," I say. Once we order and catch up, Bolin finally asks us what we wanted to talk about.

"Okay, so we um..." Asami stutters. I grab her hand for reassurance, something everyone notices.

"Are dating," I say. There is a moment of silence until Bolin screams.

"THAT'S AMAZING! We can now go on double dates- oh sorry Mako I guess you and come too, even though you are very very very single at the mo-"

"All right I get it Bolin," Mako says.

"I am happy for you guys," Opal says. We all turn to Mako who hasn't said anything about this yet.

"Mako?" I ask.

"What? Oh yeah congrats guys, if you are happy together than I am too. Although Karma really bit me in the ass huh, dating you both on and off just to have us break up and you get together. But I am thrilled for you guys." He says. We all sit around the table talking about the spirit world and what they did while we were gone. Everything was good.

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