Shaking himself from his thoughts he pulled himself closer into the desk, resting his forearms on the table as he watched the countdown to air slowly narrow. 30 seconds.

"Not forgetting you owe me a drink Styles." Nick said, pointing an accusing finger at him whilst also sporting a wide grin.

A blinding flash registered in his periphery, the final five seconds flashing on the time display as Nick switched into his professional persona and Harry pushed any lingering thought of Louis from his mind, aware of the camera about to begin recording.

"Welcome back, we're delighted to have the one and only Harry Styles here joining us in the studio this morning."

            "Thanks for having me." He answers with a small smile.

"First off, congratulations on the album mate, you must be pretty happy with it!"

            "Yeah, the response so far has been overwhelming, it's certainly something I'm really proud of and it's incredible to see just how well its being received so thank you to everyone who's supported me so far."

"Now you played at The Forum in California just like week, how was that?"

            "It was incredible, such an amazing show and it's certainly made me really look forward to the tour coming next year."

"Speaking of tour, it's been very secretive about tour dates so far, is there any development you'd like to share with us for those listening about when we can expect to hear something?" Nick says to him.

            "Ah, can't go spilling all my secrets, now can I?" He answers tactfully instead.

"You artists and your clever responses." Nick gibes at him and his smile grows at the playful banter.

            "So tell us Harry, inspirations behind the album, any favourites? What songs are you really looking forward to performing again?"

"Uhh, this album is really just a reflection on a lot of emotions I've been sorting through, especially these past few years. It's about being sad, and trying to find a way of sorting through it all I think. But I'd hope that everyone takes something away from at least of the songs that they can personally reflect upon. As for performing specific songs from the album, I loved Falling and Golden, they're definitely two of my favourites from the album."

            "Now Harry, as I'm sure you, you have some very dedicated followers, so I thought we'd do something fun this morning and go through some comments from fans who have picked out some particular lyrics and moments in the songs?"

"Sounds good." He says, leaning back in the chair as Nick is handed a sheet of paper.

            "Ok, more of a question than an observation, but what was the inspirations behind the ending vocal add in's in Sunflower Volume. 6?"

"I really just wanted something a bit different, something that was a bit whimsical and different to portray the kind of flexible nature of a relationship. I don't think, well I certainly didn't intend for the outro to have any specific meaning so I guess people can think what they will about the ending vocals." Liar. He tells himself, he knows exactly why he put those in, but it certainly wasn't something he was willing to share. Not when it held such a personal meaning, not when it all linked back to Louis.

            "Alright then, next question. People are quite caught up in the music notes in the interlude in Golden, again an unexpected feature to the song certainly not unwelcome, Ellie, on Twitter has asked 'Golden seems to tell the story of reminiscing of a positive relationship, but I want to know the relevance between the lyrics and the 28 musical notes in the song?' Any comment Mr. Styles?"

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