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Tsukki POV

It's really beautiful outside. Hinata has his hand on my thigh as we drive. It's a comforting gesture. I've stopped sobbing for now, tears are still streaming down my face but only Sho can see, which is good because the two in the back are worried.

Stopping isn't a good idea, we need to be there as fast as possible. Though we are all hungry so Sho makes the executive decision to stop for Mcdonalds. At least, I think it's a mcdonalds. I had to take off my glasses while I cried.

We pull into the drive through, nobody is in the line. It's perfect. Hinata pulls up and orders for everyone. We don't eat out often so the mood significantly lightened as Haru and Hanako started to babble about their favorite Mcdonalds toy.

I'm going to have to say goodbye soon, I'm not sure I'm ready. At least I've gotten all the tears out so Haru and Hanako won't be worried when we are at the hospital. The man who was there for me and Sho during all the hard times of being a parent, the one who helped teach us what it meant to make good decisions for ourselves and our kids, is about to die.

The one who accepted Sho as my boyfriend, accepted him into the family and treated him as his own son. The one who, just by dying, is going to make our lives so, so much better. We probably won't even be there a whole 4 hours before we have to leave. It probably won't even be 3 months before me and Sho have to go to talk to the will guy.

Our kids don't even remember him, they won't remember this night by the time they are our age. Damn it why did he have to get sick. At least he didn't die in his sleep, now we can say goodbye. I'm crying again and Sho keeps rubbing my leg softly, I'm not sobbing and the kids arguing covers my sniffles.

We are handed food and the twins immediately stop arguing. We would have stopped it earlier if it wasn't for the fact they are just playing around.I taught Haru and Hanako how to creatively insult so they're just practicing.

I am handed my chicken nuggets and Sho gives me a soft and tired smile. I'm really tired, I haven't slept since last night. I pop my chicken nuggets in my mouth, relatively quickly I might add. One of my talents. Hanako is in the back trying to copy my speed and Haru is trying to teach her. Akiteru looks very uncomfy being in between them.

"Hey! Shut up assholes, eat." Sho says, specifically to the, now quiet, 2 year olds. Actually, I think their birthday is really soon. Maybe right after mine? Either way they're quiet now. Eating hot greasy food.

Sho is eating fries. Eyes intently focused on the road. The music starts again, I think it's Pumped Up Kicks. I'm not sure though, crying really tires you out though. I lean against the window, watching cars pass by until I slip into the inky blackness of sleep.

Hinata POV

Kei fell asleep, I'm glad he did. He deserves more sleep. Haru has fallen asleep against Akiteru and Akiteru is calmly picking up the trash in the back and putting it into the empty Mcdonalds bag. I keep my hand on Kei's thigh as I drive.

I'm trying not to cry. I'm pretty good at hiding this stuff, but right now it's especially hard because the only parent i've ever known is about to leave me, leave us! What's just as worrisome is now the entire camp knows about Haru and Hanako.

They heard them call me daddy and call Kei dad. I acted like a parent and a boyfriend. I screwed up big time, though I'm 18 and Kei's birthday is soon. We also won't have to get a babysitter anymore, Akiteru can go to college with the will money and we can bring Haru and Hanako to practice.

Things will be so much easier. We don't have to hide our relationship, we can be together in public and not have to only have family time during the night. I am so tired from volleyball, and what's worse is I have so much tension built up that all I want to do is spike a ball.

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