"My parents can't afford to buy the dress I want for the Summer Solstice. Not that it matters anyway, I don't even have a date." She sighed.

"I'm sure someone will ask you. I mean, who wouldn't. You're so sweet. And as for the dress problem, let me handle that." Mya said smugly, skipping off towards the Ravenclaw tower.

"See you tomorrow." She called back as Eleara smiled and waved.

She turned back towards the Hufflepuff tower, but turned around again as she heard footsteps. They were light, but they were there.

"Hey, you're Eleara, right? That pretty Hufflepuff girl." The compliment made her blush.

The boy was only a few inches taller than her and was in Gryffindor. She recognized him as the-boy-who-always-blew-stuff-up.

"Uhm... I guess. And you're Seamus, Seamus Finnigan." Eleara confirmed as the boy nodded his head.

"Shouldn't you be in your house right now, it's almost past curfew." She frowned.

"Well, yeah, I'm heading there, but I just wanted to ask if you'd attend the Summer Solstice with me." Seamus said cooly.

"Y-Yeah... Of course." Eleara stammered, pushing a rogue piece of hair from her face as she blushed again and nodded.

Seamus smiled brightly, "See you then." Then jogged off towards the Gryffindor tower. 


The sun rose early that morning, but the students were busy. The girls were walking down to Hogsmeade to buy a dress whilst the boys worried about asking the girls out to the dance.

"How do you think this looks on me?" Dove asked, trying on a red and yellow striped mermaid dress.

"Hm. I like it... but it doesn't fit you very well." Mya pointed out as Dove nodded.

"So. You and Harry I suppose." Mya asked as Dove nodded, recalling last night...


"Dove, wait." Harry called as Dove began to walk up the steps to the girl's dorm.

"What's up, Harry?" Dove asked, walking back down the stairs to meet Harry in another kiss that lasted only a quick second.

"Would you go to the Summer Solstice with me?" He asked, his voice a bit shaky, but he knew she'd say yes.

"Yes! Of course I'd go with you, Harry Potter!"


"And I'm guessing you and Ron then?" Dove asked, nudging the small Ravenclaw.

"Yea- Wait, how'd you know?" She asked.

"I see the way you two look at each other." Dove replied smugly, entering the changing rooms to try on another dress.


"Hey Mya!" Ron said, running after her - half normally, half limp.

"Hi Ron." She replied giving him a quick hug.

"You heard about the Summer Solstice, right?" He asked, his voice cracked with nerves.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure the whole school did, Dumbledore was so loud." She giggled at her own joke.

"Well - I - um... I was wondering if you'd go with me. As a couple..." Ron began, but was cut off by Mya in an innocent, cool kiss.

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