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Bokuto has always been your best friend since you were children. He always came over your house so you've never met his parents before. Bokuto was always by your side. You even made each other friendship bracelets promising no matter what happens you two will always stay friends forever. The two of you used to always hang out whenever you could until you moved. You moved during your last year of Jr. high school. Its been 4 years since you last seen him. Your family decided that It was now time to move back to your home town considering there were new job opportunities.

You are now a 3rd year starting your new high school Fukurodani. You were pretty excited to be moving back home. As bad as you wanted Bokuto to be there you knew there was a chance he wouldn't....a chance he and his family moved away....a chance that he forgot about you.

You walk through the doors of your new school. The amount of chaos going on was kind of overwhelming. You slowly took out your schedule and looked at what classes you had first. 

"Oh science class first...nice" you thought to yourself "Now the real question is what clubs should I join?"

"Chess club?" 

"Eh no thanks I don't even know how to play." you said sweetly

hbnm"Photography club?"

"No thanks." you said

"Basketball club we need one more player...plus you've got the height."

"Um no thanks...I'm not very good." you said

"Volleyball club?"

"Finally something I'm good at." you said to yourself

Memories of you and Bokuto playing volleyball at the beach came flooding back.

You filled out the papers and decided to go to breakfast before you went to your first period class. You put on some headphones to drown out the noise of the hallways.

You walk into the cafeteria where they are serving milk bread. You grabbed a tray and took a seat at an open table.  A minutes have gone by and you were already done eating so you got up to put away your tray.

You walked out the cafeteria to head to your locker to get your books for science class. 

"Locker 405 huh?" you thought to yourself

You walked down the hallway until you accidently bumped into someone-

"I-I'm sorry I-"you paused "Bokuto?!"


He was a tall boy with slick black hair with frosted tips and golden-yellow eyes. Your best friend who you haven't seen in 3 years was right in front of you. He was wearing a white tuxedo with a yellow tie.

"Bokuto right?" you repeated

"Yeahhh.....But do I know you?" He said confused

The words were like a knife piercing right through your heart.

"Bokuto do you not remember me??" you said "We were best friends remember?"

"I've only had one best friend." Bokuto said "And you're not her."

"(y/n)-chan right?" You said desperately "I'm her..."

He slowly grabbed your wrist pulling back  your jacket sleeve revealing your friendship bracelet he made you.

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