Chapter 13

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A few weeks later

My sickness have happened everyday so far, if I smell food I'm sick of I see food I'm sick, germans been getting really worried and so have I myself If I'm honestly don't know what could be wrong. I've been trying to act as normal as possible in front of german as he's already stopped work to help me out.

He's out right now to get me some medicine after a while of convincing, After minutes of being in bed on my own waiting for german to come back I decided to go down to the nearest doctors which is only down the road, I slip on my shoes and coat and head out the door.

As I'm walking along the streets I see german and once he spots me he rushes up, -angie what you doing out of bed..- he says as he wraps his arms around me, I honestly love how much he cares for me and how much of an idiot I was to let Pablo treat me like that, -I'm going to the doctors, will you come?..- I asked as I didn't really want to go to the doctors by my self, I've had bad memories from there as a child.

-of course..- he said as he held me into him and I hugged him, it's so cold and yet so warm I think it's just me with what ever is going on in my body.
-------time skip-------

I am in the doctors room german is waiting outside as the doctor asked if he could, we both hesitated at first but after convincing both of us german stood by the door. The doctor done a few tests on me and after a while of waiting for the results they finally came.

-miss Carrara, I've done a internal test inside your stomach and I've got some good news, congratulations your pregnant!..- the doctor said. Pregnant! that's why I'm like this, oh god. German what if he don't want it, he will just leave me I know it, what am I meant to do, I feel myself go pale and shake as my stomach turns.

I look to the doctor and down to my stomach in utter shock, german, how am I meant to tell him, he won't want it, I felt tears prick my eyes as I gently get up from the doctors bed and head to the door slowly, german was waiting there and he smiled when he saw me but it soon stopped when he saw my facial expression, pale and tears in my eyes.

-angie what is it, what did the doctor say?..- he asked worried holding me up as I felt my legs go weak as if I was going to faint from the news, -ugh..umm I.. The doctor..didn't know what was wrong..- I lied but avoided eye contact, luckily german left it as that but I can tell he's suspicious, he just nodded and helped me back home but I stayed quiet.

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