Chapter 5

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Me and German walked to his house in silence, not an awkward silence just enjoying each other's company, after a short amount of time we arrived at germans house which looked huge outside, german smiled to me and opened the door. I walked in looking around taking all of the scenery around me.

His house was beautiful, I was totally shocked, I didn't have much time to look around as I was shortly distracted by a woman running out of the kitchen to german, -ahh Mr.Castillo, your back, can I get you som..who's this lovely young lady..- the woman said smiling at me, she seemed really friendly but I wondered how German could afford all this.

-ahh this olga is angie we met today, it's a long story but her boyfriend totally don't deserve her, the way he spoke to her on the phone and everything but long story short she's spending the night in the spare room so if you could prepare it for her..- he asked smiling at me, olga smiled at me to and to German.

-ugh she doesn't have to do that I mean I'm sure I could do it my self..- I said politely but olga insisted on doing it so I just agreed slowly. I still can't get over this house though but I'm a little worried if I'm honest, what about Pablo would be wonder where I am, I mean I'm sure he kinda cares about me, well I'm sure he definitely will be curious where I am.

Me and German sat down on the settee together and talked to what ever topic come to mind which I really enjoyed as it took my mind of everything, it was really nice. -thank you for letting me stay tonight..- I muttered whilst blushing lightly as he was staring at me for some moments. I love the way I feel around him, it's so hard to explain.

I know what your thinking, I only met him today and I'm staying at his house tonight but soon as we met it was like in instant connection, I felt like I known him for years. -it's my pleasure..- he replied and kissed my hand.

Hours passed and we got to know each other really well but unfortunately it was getting quite late, but german insisted to watch a movie, so I agreed. He put an action film on which I didn't mind as long as it weren't scary but in the middle of the film, I couldn't help but feel my eyes slowly closing, I tried to stay awake but my attempt failed and my eyes become heavy, just when my eyes were closing I felt german put his arm around me and pull me closer gently, so I took this chance to rest my head on his shoulder and fall asleep.

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