Chapter 2

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-can you believe, Gregorio?..- Pablo shouted annoyed and was pacing back and forth, this is his normal routine of his shocking tempers, I didn't know wether to say something or keep quiet. Pablo looked at me sternly to say speak up but I didn't know if what I was about to say is the correct thing he wanted to hear.

-you have a little been a bit harsh on him..- I said innocently looking at him now and again to see if he was angry with my response but all I seemed to get back was agitated looks, I didn't want to say no further as he's wound up as it is. I kept my head down while he kept on shouting and then he looked at me and placed his hand on my cheeks, he had his thumb on my left cheek and his index finger on my right squashing my cheeks together for me to look at him.

-your not going to say nothing huh?..- he said angry but quieted his voice down, I hated every time he did this but I didn't want to cause more hassle for him so I just stayed quiet until he violently realised his hand and stomped out of the door slamming it behind him, that was a close one.

I sigh deeply and pull out a book which I have been currently reading, 'endless love' it's an amazing love story, I've been really intrigued by it and I can't stop reading it. I sat down on my living room settee and for the first time in what felt like forever I had peace in my house with out going to the meadows not like I don't love it there.

I woke up in the morning sleepily as normal but sadly I haven't got time to walk in the meadows as I have to be at the studio in under an hour which means I woke up late, me and Pablo sleep in separate rooms, I don't know why but we just do, I hate that the fact that we are both lying to each other, we are not in love, I hate to say it as I always like to see the best in people but he's not that same he's changed for the worst not the loving and sweet guy who cared about me, the vicious man who would hurt his girlfriend, I hate seeing him as that but in my eyes I can't see anything else even if I look deep.

Anyway time for me to get up and head to the studio, I slowly made my way downstairs to see Pablo has Already left to the studio so I walk there by myself, I see Beto on the way he is the music teacher in the studio, he's a little clumsy but he's a lovely guy, -ah angie, I have some news, your no longer needed today in the studio, Pablo allowed you off he's taking over your lessons..- he said.

This come to me in utter shock what is he playing at, I love my job but I can't mess with boss man so I nod to Beto and head my way to the meadows, something feels strange today, like if something's going to happen which makes me nervous, I walk through and smile at that in dandelion once again but I head straight for the little stream and take a seat in the mini bank by the side of it.

I watched as the water run down the stream and the soothing noise of it made me forget my stress, -can I join?..- I turned around I was shock as no one ever comes down hear so a male voice made me jump. I looked behind and saw a rather tall man with big brown sparkly eyes, I didn't know why but I started to get nervous.

He sat down by me and didn't say anything for a while just looked at me now and again and back down to the stream, he glanced over at me again and this time I looked at him confused and he just chuckled and smiled and for some reason his smile seemed to make my head clear to just like the stream, I smile back warmly but still confused at why he was looking at me and then just chuckles.

-sorry it's just I've never been around someone so beautiful, I got a little nervous..- he said looking at me and I just blushed deeply, no one have called me beautiful in years it felt really nice but him saying it made me embarrassed, I tried to hide it but he noticed luckily he also noticed I didn't like showing I'm blushing so he changed the subject.

-my names german..- he said holding out his hand, -angie..- I muttered quietly, God why am I saw nervous but excited when I'm around him, he kissed my knuckles softly and smiled gently at me and then carried on looking at the stream, even know there was silence It didn't get boring or awkward.

I looked at him in the eyes and he done the same, I felt as if under a spell but that's just too insane, I only know met him but by looking into his eyes makes me feel like I've known him for years, -so then Mrs.Angie, could I take you out to dinner?..- he asked and I looked at him in surprise, me, him on a dinner, I haven't been out to dinner in months, wow. If I agree Pablo will go mental on me if he finds out but what he doesn't know won't hurt and I mean I only now met him so he got to understand we are just friends, right?

-yeah..sure..- I smiled and he returned it.

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