Chapter 10

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Angie pov.

The moment was magical and perfect if it weren't for an interruption, -ANGIE..- a familiar male voice called, I looked to my right straight ahead and saw Pablo looking annoyed, I swallowed hard, I hope he doesn't make me go back, I finally had the courage to brake up with him, my heart was racing and I was shaking.

German seeing this took my hand and gently pulled me behind him, I found it cute how he protected me but he don't know what Pablo is capable of and I don't want him getting hurt because of me, I was so focused on me being scared of Pablo and my shaking just getting worse by the second, I didn't see him walking closer.

Out of fright I took germans hand tightly into mine, I felt like such a little girl but I couldn't help it, I felt terrified of Pablo and I was in pain from him earlier, the pain only went when me and german was sharing the best moment of my life so far, german squeezed my hand to reinsure me, Pablo walked closer and went to walk around german pretending he Weren't there and heads towards me but german placed one hand on pablos shoulder pushing him back slowly away from me.

-who's this loser?..- Pablo said confused but frustrated as usual, I didn't know how to respond I looked at Pablo from around german and when he saw me looking at him I looked down to the floor, -I..h-he.. Is g-German..- I stuttered nervously and german noticed this too and I can see Pablo getting frustrated by the minute, he haven't striked out yet thankfully maybe he's scared of german, just as I was thinking I felt a hand placed on my chin, with a thumb on my left cheek and the index finger on the other.

I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Pablo squeezing it tightly, I sniffed trying to hold back tears as where he was putting pressure on was where the painful bruise he gave me earlier, -what are you doing with him huh?..- he said angry, I got so nervous I looked into his eyes and all I saw was a cold blooded sole not like the one I fell in love with years ago.

Before I could answer german gently moved pablos hands from my face and I was surprised how he done it as Pablo had me pretty strongly, german pulled me into him tightly and I sighed of relief, I put my head in germans chest as he wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back gently while he looked at Pablo deadly.

-listen pal, how about you leave and leave angie alone, you don't love her, she doesn't love you, don't say she does she's terrified of you, now I don't want to see you near her ever, now if you excuse us..- he said firmly and walked away still with me in his arms, I was so thankful to him, I still felt a little guilty to Pablo but my pain and stress went in germans arms, we stopped when we got far away from Pablo.

-thank you german, I'm sorry back there he's a little violent I'm sorry I shouldn't have dragged you in it and went back with him..- I signed looking down but he gently caressed my cheek which made me blush lightly, I love him so much, I love him to the moon and back.

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