Chapter Five - Bonnie

Start from the beginning

It's not something I tell people.

You might die tonight anyway. If you don't tell me, then who's going to tell your story?

Liam sighed. Seeing as you're presumably one of the ones causing my death-

Look, if I know more about you, I might be able to get the other girls to spare your life. Please.

Alright. But don't interrupt. I'm not going to repeat this.

He sighed again. He does that a lot, Bonnie thought. Maybe if she stuck something up his nose he would stop.

Liam began. For a while, my life was as perfect as one's can be. My parents would take me to this pizza place, every summer. I had this little band of girls who I was friendly with there. I never knew their names, but whenever I was there, they usually were. There were two robots there. One of them looked a lot like you, Bonnie. But kind of a faded golden color instead of blue. The other one looked like Freya, but more golden than her counterpart. They were like you girls are, all anime-y, but we were so young that we never noticed. In all my time there, it was always the same. Watch the shows, eat some lunch, play whatever game we had invented for the day. For about twelve years, life was good.

Bonnie raised her hand. Liam raised an eyebrow at her. Um, twelve years? How old are you?

I'm eighteen. I said my life was good for twelve years. I only started going to the place when I was five, so I'd known the place for seven years. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

You look older than eighteen.

His eyes glistened. Certain things will do that to you. Can I continue now?

Oh, yeah.

Liam leaned over in his chair. Like I said, for a while, everything was perfect. Then it happened.

Bonnie resisted the urge to ask him what did.

We were eating at a table, my friends and me, when the golden bunny walked over. This was normal. They usually walked around the tables, checking on the kids. She asked us if we could do something for her. She asked us if we could come with her. We'd known her for years, we trusted her.

He paused, contemplating.

She took us to the backroom. We were all confused as to why, but we did it anyway. She told us to close our eyes, that she had a surprise for us. We did. Or at least, I did.

Then the screaming started.

I could hear my friends screaming at the top of their lungs, until their voices were suddenly cut short. I kept my eyes closed. I didn't want to see. But she opened my eyes.

And she said, in a voice not her own, "Wanna see? Wanna see where I hid them? You can't! You can't! I've hidden them! And you'll never find them!" I couldn't see them.

What I could see was the blood. Must have been buckets of the stuff on the floor. Whatever she had done-

Liam's voice faltered. He cleared his throat, then continued. I ran. I ran all the way back to my home. When I told my parents, they called the police. But the golden bunny was right. They never found them. Just the blood.

Sometimes, I can still hear them screaming.

He paused again, for longer this time. Bonnie looked at the clock. 3:00. The others had to be listening, or they would've attacked already. Liam began again.

Later, I don't know how long, days, hours, I don't know. I woke up in a hospital. They told me my parents were gone. They asked me if I knew what that meant.

I found out later that someone had set fire to our house. Everything had gone up in smoke. Everything but me.

I didn't know what to do. I ran. I ran away from orphanages, from foster homes. I ran for a year until they finally just stuck me in prison. That was five years ago.

After I got out, I struggled along. I got a job, rented an apartment. I lost my job. I didn't really care until I ran out of milk. Then, with no better options, I came here. I don't know why. This place is full of bad memories. But it just feels like... like I have things to do here that aren't done.

He stopped.

Bonnie raised her hand again.

What is it this time?

She tugged on her ear nervously. Well, you had one bit of luck. The fire didn't get to you.

Liam laughed bitterly, then lifted one side of his shirt, revealing a massive burn scar all across his back. Didn't it?

He turned to the doorframe. And I know you think I can't see you. I can. Your eyes glow in the dark. If you wanted to listen, you should have just come in here.

Liam walked out of the office and left, leaving Bonnie still wearing his jacket. She looked at the clock. Woah. Apparently he had talked for SIX HOURS. That was impressive.

The others walked in. Bonnie rubbed her arm. Sorry, I may have gone over an hour.

Chica looked troubled.

What is it?

I- She stuttered. Dammit, Bonnie! Now I feel bad for him! I don't like feeling guilty for killing people!

Foxy laughed. If ye knew what that sounded like outside of yer head, ye probably wouldn't have said it.

Freya growled. Do I have to do everything myself?

Foxy stopped laughing, and made an indignant face at Freya. Ye won't have to. Tomorrow, Mangle an' I be comin' out. He won't be lastin' much longer after that.

Bonnie sighed. Seriously? After hearing all that, you still just want to snuff him? Really? That's all you take from that? She looked at all of them. I can't believe you sometimes.

Chica looked at the floor. Foxy and Freya just exchanged an annoyed look.

None of them noticed the whispering coming from the back closet. 

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