Prologue 16: Selfish Three!

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Ciel's POV

As we were walking back into the mine we heard the monster once again. "Leave! Leave!! Leeeeeaave!!! 

"Guuuuh!!" Deuce said.

"Stand back if you have no control, Mr. Serious! I'll stop it! Haa!" Ace said using his wind magic on the monster which only made it more mad.

"Wuuuuuuooooooohhh!!!" The monster cried out winging it's arm at Ace.

"Wuuuuuuooooooohhh!!!" Ace yelled ducking under the monster's hand. The monster than started swinging it's arms everywhere.

"Ffgnaaa!! Stay away!!" Grim yelled at the monster while trying to get away from the monster. The monster just ignored him and continued swinging it arms, starting to hit the rocks in the mine. "I-It's not working at all!" Grim said running to hide behind me. I picked grim up and ran behind one of the rock walls that the monster haven't destroyed. As I was ran to the wall, I saw something shine behind the monster.

"Ace, did something just sparkle back there!?" Ace looked behind the monster while still trying to use magic against it. "Yeah it did, at the end of the tunnel"

"That light, is it a magic crystal!?" Deuce questioned.


"L-L-L-Let's get out of here! We're done for at this rate!!" Grim jumped out of my arms and ran out of the mine. I then turned towards the others and shouted. "We need to escape, you two!"

"Ggggggooooohhh!!!" We heard the monster yelled as we ran out the mine. We ran back to the little cottage in the silent woods.

"Is this far enough?" Grim asked.

"Ooooww.. What in the world was that? No one said anything about that!" Ace yelled out.

"It didn't seem like any old ghost." Deuce said.

"No kidding."

"Let's give up and go home. I'd rather get expelled than fight that thing."

"Wha!? Don't screw with me Ace! I'd rather die than face expulsion! There's a magic crystal in front of us and you wanna go home! I'm sure Ciel can agree with me."

"Yea right, Ciel tell him you're on my side."

"Actually, I agree with Deuce." Deuce smiled in victory as he watched Ace's face twist in disbelief.

"What how?"

I don't go to the school remember and i'm not from this world either, so if he expels or more accurately kicks me out the school, I will not have a place to stay."

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