Felix and Bernadetta:

The pair married off immediately following the fight at Fhirdiad. Bernadetta abandoned her title as heir to house Varley and lived with her husband in Fraldarius territory. The pair got busy and were expecting their first child within a year of marriage. Duke Fraldarius was often busy and had to travel Fodlan to be in service to the King, so Bernadetta handled the local affairs of their territory all while remaining a recluse. They had a happy marriage.

Hubert and Petra:

This pairing came many, many years afterwards. It was a surprise to most, except those that had spent the year traveling with Hubert. His infatuation grew for Petra during a visit to Brigid but was put on hold for the time being. And once Fodlan was safe Hubert left for Brigid and married Petra.

Linhardt and Lysithea:

After the war, the two returned to Hevring territory. There the pair began their studies of crest research, the pair soon became notorious for their research, it took a few years but eventually they found a way to remove a second crest. Lysithea had the crest removed and the pair married soon after, from then on, they raised a very happy family and continued their studies.

Lorenz and Dorothea:

The biggest shock to all of their friends was this pairing. Dorothea was insistent that it was based on love, others had their doubts but supported their friend, nonetheless. The duo was notorious for their trends in fashion and were happy in each other's company.

Raphael and Leonie:

This pairing came more as a shock to the royal couple than their friends. After the fighting stopped Leonie traveled as a mercenary the renowned blade breaker the second. Eventually after acquiring so much debt she settled down and reunited with Raphael. The two of them opened an inn together and ran it till the end of their days.

Sylvain and Ingrid:

Despite the fear that Sylvain's proposals may have kept being rejected the two eventually did wed. After many, many, many years. It is said that those who met Sylvain after his marriage would have never guessed of his philandering past due to his love for his wife. And Ingrid was able to follow her dream at becoming a knight all the while still fulfilling her duty as heir to house Galatea. The two of them worked long and hard to build relations between Fodlan and Sreng, and in those years of work they had many children and not one bore a crest. Although that didn't matter at all to Sylvain and Ingrid, they loved them all the same.

Claude and Annette:

Claude was beckoned to Annette like a sailor to the sea, enchanted by the siren call. After leaving for Almyra Claude and Annette kept in touch and within a few moons they were married, and Annette became the Queen of Almyra. The two of them worked tirelessly with the King and Queen of Fodlan to strengthen ties between their nations. This hard work bore fruit when Annette opened up a school of sorcery between Fodlan and Almyra thus showing the students that attended how alike they really were.

Ferdinand and Edelgard:

After defeating Nemesis, Edelgard paid a visit to Lysithea and Linhardt who were both hard at work to find a way to remove their second crest, Edelgard prepared to set out on another voyage fearing her days may be numbered. However, she was stopped by Ferdinand who asked for her hand. And so, the two wed and dedicated themselves to helping the former Adrestrian Empire territory and helped strengthen their allegiance to the King. Years passed and a cure was finally found and Edelgard ridded herself of her bloodied past and looked to create a new future with her husband and their children.

Dimitri and Byleth:

Following their battle with Nemesis Dimitri and Byleth returned to Fhirdiad it was within a moon that the two of them were wed and Byleth ascended to the role of Queen. Initially she was met with opposition from nobility, however her overwhelming approval of the public surpassed their disapproval. Their reign was fair and just, Fodlan finally began to prosper after years of being war torn. After a couple of years of marriage, the couple had their first child, it was never declared to the public whether or not the child bore a crest it mattered not to them. They were often found in one another's company; it was said to make up for lost time although Historians have never been able to piece the meaning behind it. The pair lived a long and prosperous life as two adoring spouses who were desperately in love and they remained as such for the rest of their days.

Jeralt Reus Eisner:

The years came and went with each other. And Fodlan recovered slowly but surely.

Jeralt watched as his daughter grew old day by day while he remained the same. His three grandchildren grew old as well until they returned to their parents.

He never thought there would be a day harder than burying his wife, but goddess. A parent should never have to bury their child.

She was old and gray, so very tiny and frail.

They lived a long life.

Those words echoed through Jeralt's ears.


Byleth and Dimitri, their children... Jeralt's family, they lived a long life.

And yet he remained.

Watching them all die off one by one.

Jeralt remained in Faerghus till he could no longer bear the echoes of children scurrying through the castle and the royal family bore no more children that shared their appearances.

He left from there quickly ignoring the memories of his daughter and son in law hugging their newborn child, Byleth was drenched in sweat and exhausted yet she stared so fondly at the small bundle in her arms. Dimitri's arms wrapped around her, he's certain Dimitri understood now how much Jeralt cared for his daughter now.

How could he have ever been worried about her not having emotions?

No, no.

Jeralt winds up at the monastery.

The archbishop looked at him with knowing eyes, he could see the pain. Jeralt is certain that man has felt it as well.

"We are kin, blood or not," Seteth said as he welcomes him to the monastery.

Jeralt nods.

It has been centuries since he'd been here.

Seteth pats his shoulder and leaves him be.

Jeralt goes to her.

The years have taken its toll on her head stone, but still he could faintly see the name Sitri Eisner.

"I'm finally home my love" Jeralt whispers softly and places flowers on her grave as an offering "We have much to catch up on".

Author's note:

AH! We're finally done! It took seven months but I'm finally done! I hope you guys liked the ending, I know. Poor Jeralt D : Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it I've enjoyed writing this greatly. If interested I have other works that you can read as well that I have been writing and now that I have finished this work I can jump back into them, anyways feel free to check them out if you'd like. Thank you all for spending your time reading this I hope you enjoyed it, I'll miss writing this story but... All things must come to an end. I appreciate all of the comments that you guys have sent me over this past week. Thank you all. 

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