Chotimaa, I love Nakul and Sahadev. Those two little munchkins, are my ataraxian children."

Madri's heart and eyes smiled upon hearing that her munchkins are Yudhisthir's little one's too.

"Arya, why don't you narrate the Madra incident?" Draupadi suggested her eyes gleaming with hope.

"What happened in Madra?" Madri asked with a hush.

"The Madra incident, yeah.
Some months had passed since we established Indraprasth. Nakul and Sahadev with their excellent skills for politics and finance were already a household name along the land. Maharaj Shalya paid us a visit, also we had to discuss about Vijaya's marriage. One night, he proposed in private to Nakul and Sahadev. He presented Nakul to be the heir of the whole Madra kingdom and Sahadev to be the crown prince. Mamashree Shalya had two daughters, that leaves Nakul, being your eldest son, to be the next king.
When I came to know about it, I decided to act as their guardian, not as their elder brother. I couldn't even imagine Hastinapur without them, but again it would be selfish of me. It pained me, but I eventually came to the conclusion that I will give them the permission to rule Madra independently, in the end it would make me proud.
But god, Arjun, my little brother squabbled with his Jyestha probably for the first time and well, Bheem was in the verge of shoveling my head. After all, Nakul and Sahadev were Bheem's heartbeat. The brother in me scolded my exterior self for being a guardian, don't let them slip out of your heart you idiot, it said. But my duty towards them bounded me.

I then decided to meet them, with a sulky Bheem and frowning Arjun. I wanted to break the news myself. The moment I blurted out that they might go to Madra, I wished I hadn't. Nakul pounced on me, screaming. It seemed like his lungs would break open his ribs, but he didn't care.
He accused me saying, 'Will you give Bhrata Bheem the permission to rule Kuntibhoja? No you wouldn't. Because you love him. How could you love us? We are your step brothers after all'. His voice clearly indicated that he scared and hurt himself more than it affected me. I knew it was his love for all of us. Nakul was always a cheeky child who didn't beat around the bushes. He spoke his mind openly.

Going back at it, Bheem found a opening and the duo started howling so much so that the whole Indraprasth started shaking. Sahadev was constantly mouthing 'don't Nakul. Apologize.', but all in vain. I walked up to him, ruffled his curly locks, swept his face clean from snot and tears and caged both Nakul and Sahadev close to my heart, never to let them go."

"Nakul is very passionate in his speech, which turns him naive. He sometimes let his emotions cloud him and he doesn't even realize that his words shatter him more than the person in the other side. Believe me, I know." Madri disclosed indicating the events of her meeting with Nakul. "And Sahadev is a tad bit like you, Yudhisthir. He suffices his feelings for others."

Draupadi nodded. "I feel contentment in you Chotimaa. I know now, your mind is in peace and your raging heart is fluttering with trust.
Life was not a bed of roses for any of us, but again that's what life is. There were many times, when we thought 'this is it,no more pain', but again we were wrong. Nevertheless, the one thing that kept our family from being crippled is the little latibule, our little strings that connect each of us, the place that we call home. It doesn't mean the mighty Indraprasth or the lavish Hastinapur. It can be the shade of a banyan tree, for all we know. It becomes our latibule when the string of our heart connects." Panchali finished in an appealing voice.

All of them flashed a jovial smile. Madri had to pinch her nose to stop grinning like a idiot she is, and also her cheeks were starting to hurt. Her expressions elevated the laughter out of Yudhisthir and Draupadi.

"Is that Jiji waving like a maniac?" Madri strained her eyes upon the plump figure of Kunti frantically gesturing her hands and calling Madri. The smug look on her face was evident that the mingling with Karn didn't went so bad and she sure had some steamy gossip to pour upon Madri.

"Yudhisthir, please don't--" Madri began with a apologetic tone, but was instead cut off.

"What? You didn't tell me anything." He retaliated with mock confusion.

Madri shrugged and drifted to Kunti. In a moment, both of them were gone.

"You just lied." Draupadi eyes were wide open. Sure, Madri talked with him, so why he said she didn't?

"Technically, she didn't tell me, she was telling you. I just happen to pass-by." He shrugged.

"Nice played. Now, why were you passing by? Where have you been and what 'thing'? And don't give me any excuses, you know I can see right through you." Draupadi now donned her authoritative tone.

Yudhisthir rolled his eyes. It was no use of stalling from the topic. He couldn't lie and Draupadi wouldn't be satisfied with a half truth. He scratched his nape, how to put the 'thing' lightly?

"I don't think I am dead, yet."

K. I am done. Shit, my fingers hurt. From the past week I have been deciding to write these two chapters, but oh no no I didn't. I passed my precious time with webseries, AGAIN!

Q: WHAT ARE YOUR FAB SERIES? (don't give me any saas-bahu or freaky television shit)

Now, I completed, them in 4 hours and I think I am gonna pass out.

Yeah my b-day I know, but be hell with corona seriously, I might cry. Completed 17 years of my life and hella I am gonna be of legal age next year.

Please tell how you liked it. Ah yes, the Madra incident is actually true. I just went overdrive with my or may I say, Nakul emotions because that's why he will react.
navsmita69 out.

navsmita69 out

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