"If you're from Australia, why are you Asian?"

Changbin sighed. Chan's face fell into his hands. The exact same question he'd asked Chan. Everything felt an awful lot like déjà vu. Jisung wallowed in the awkward silence that felt like it lasted an eternity but was likely only a matter of seconds. He could feel his cheeks burning up.

"Was that a Mean Girls reference?" Felix gasped, a grin on his face. All three of the boys at the table stilled, not expecting that reaction. "Oh my god, I love that film. I've watched it so many times."

Jisung's eyes widened, "you like Mean Girls?"

"Duh, it's a classic."

Jisung stared at Felix for a moment. Then he turned to Changbin and back to Felix, then Chan and back to Felix again. "Oh my god," he finally mumbled, "holy fuck. He's a Mean Girls fan."

"Jisung makes me watch that film nearly every day and he can quote the whole script off by heart. He could probably audition for every role in that film and not forget any of the lines," Changbin said, placing his hand on Jisung's shoulder.

Jisung smiled, "yeah. I've watched it too many times to count."

Felix returned the smile, "awesome. I like you already."

Jisung felt odd saying it but the words left his mouth before he could think about them. "I...like you too." He paused, taking a moment to think about what he'd said. I like you too. He'd never liked a person that quickly before, it usually took at least a month for him to be comfortable with anyone, nevermind like them, and that was the minimum. Felix had been there barely a minute. It had taken him two months to properly like Chan.

"Hey look, you've already made friends! I told you you would," Chan nudged Felix's elbow, making Felix smile somewhat timidly. When Jisung looked at Chan's face, he saw something he hadn't seen on his face...ever. Adoration. It was something he'd never seen because he hadn't been looking for it before, but now it was as clear as day. Jisung's eyes flicked back to Felix.

Maybe he didn't like him so easily...


Jisung was sat at the breakfast bar in Changbin's kitchen, Changbin beside him. Changbin was completing every question on the maths revision sheet he had been assigned with ease but Jisung was the opposite, struggling with all of them, nibbling at the end of his pen. He usually wasn't allowed over to Changbin's house, not many people were, but Changbin's parents were away on a business trip and the two boys took advantage of that.

"I can't do it," Jisung whined, dropping the pen onto the white, marble counter that matched the rest of the kitchen's surfaces and decor perfectly. Changbin's parents had spent a lot of money on their house and anyone who visited could tell. Not many people got the chance to visit unless it was without Mr and Mrs Seo's knowledge though.

"What can't you do?" Changbin asked, pulling the sheet Jisung was working on in front of him. He pondered the question for a moment before nodding. "Oh, this one's easy. The two sides of the triangle are 16 cm and 12 cm so you need to figure out what the other sides length is. Watch..." Changbin said, drawing out the equation needed and working out the answer with his calculator in a matter of seconds. Jisung watched but he still didn't understand.

"I'm so dumb. I can't do anything."

"You're not dumb," Changbin sighed, jumping up from his chair to stand behind Jisung. He moved the maths sheet back in front of him and leaned his chin over Jisung's shoulder. "Try the next one."

"Maybe Miss Shin was right," he mumbled, referring to their teacher from last year as he picked up his pen again, "maybe I am pathetic and stupid."

"Miss Shin got fired for a reason, baby. She was saying things like that to loads of students, it wasn't just you. Her words weren't the truth, ok?"

Jisung's hand tightened around the pen. He tried to replicate what Changbin had done but it took him a lot longer, doubting himself and having to go back to check what he'd written a few times. He even repeated the calculations on the calculator to make sure they were correct. When he was finished, Changbin checked it. "Well done," he said, placing a kiss on Jisung's cheek.

"I did it right?"

"You did it right," Changbin confirmed. The corners of Jisung's lips started to turn up as he turned back to the sheet, looking at the five questions that remained. He turned back to Changbin with a mischievous look in his eyes. "What now?"

"Nothing, nothing it's just...last time I got all the questions right you rewarded me."

Changbin looked down at the remaining questions and then back up at Jisung's grinning face. "Get them all right and you can have another one."

Jisung turned back to his sheet, suddenly more eager to complete the work he needed to. Changbin shook his head, hopping back onto his chair with a hidden smile on his lips. Jisung paused his working out, turning to Changbin. "Can I have a kiss for getting that one question right? For motivation?"

Changbin sighed, acting as if he didn't want to give in but both knew he did. "Yeah, whatever, come here," he said. Jisung was jumping out of his seat to stand in front of Changbin's bar stool in under a second. He puckered up his lips and turned his head up, making Changbin laugh before he leaned down and gave him a soft, short kiss.

Jisung pouted, "that wasn't a proper kiss, Changbin."

"Hmm. Do your work and you'll get one then."

Jisung huffed, climbing back onto his chair and seizing his pen. He started to work on the questions with a moody look on his face. It made Changbin grin. Jisung finished all of the questions quicker than he usually did. He pushed the sheet in front of Changbin who checked it for any mistakes. He was more surprised than he'd admit when he found none.

"You...got everything right," he said, looking up to see Jisung grinning. "What the fuck? You're genuinely good at this."

Jisung continued to grin, swinging his legs back and forth above the ground. "Cool. Please can I have kisses now?"

Changbin rolled his eyes, jumping from his chair and intertwining his fingers with Jisung's. He started tugging Jisung to the door that led out of the kitchen. "Yeah, I suppose you can," he said, not even out of the door before Jisung's lips crashed against his own. His previous plan of getting to his bedroom before kissing was soon gone but he was willing to take a risk. His parents were in America anyway, they wouldn't see.

"It's a shame this isn't a reward for doing exams," Jisung mumbled against Changbin's lips as the other fumbled around for the kitchen door handle behind his back. He found it and pulled it down, almost tumbling out the door and pulling Jisung with him. If Jisung hadn't caught him by the waist they both would have toppled to the ground.

"No, you just get a qualification which will help you greatly in the future. Such a sha-" Changbin began but Jisung soon cut him off with another kiss. He was pushed up against the wall of his hallways and figured that was the end of their maths talk.


It's Halloween week, dudes. I'm off college and in lockdown so I'm dressing up everyday and today I'm a dark fairy hehehe.

Any feedback for this chapter??

Mean Girls 2 - 3RachaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora