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*Alexandria POV*

"Tchau!" I said to Jose and his beautiful family who were eating lunch with us.

Yeah we skipped breakfast because we just couldn't get out of bed today, at least not until Cameron said he had a surprise for me.

I sighed and looked down at the bracelet that Jose's little daughter made, she's so young and so talented. Made matching ones for herself, Sofia and Bella and handed them to me with the biggest smile ever.

"For your fihas." I smiled and hugged her tightly. Truly one of the sweetest little girls ever, and it made me miss my kids even more.

I've been trying to catch onto simple words in portugués, and learn about their culture and way of living. It's amazing, and I love it.

"Alright so now just stand here and look out at the ocean and tell me what you see." I looked at Cameron wierd and gripped my adventure back pack.

I have packed essentials like some cash, mini first aid kit, water, flash lights, rope, water filter sun screen, and other essentials for any kind of emergency... he said adventure and I can't help the mom side of me come out in this.

Sure when I was 17 I would only worry about having my phone and water but now I can't help but think of all the what if's.

Plus I've been plenty of adventures that past few days, this back pack just helps me have a peaceful mind.

"Cameron I don't see anything?" Wait where's Cameron.

"Cameron?" I shrugged and reached for my binoculars. Cam said there's something out there and there has to be something out there.

But all I could see is the crystal blue water...and then I saw movement on the dock.

Is that- oh my goodness!

I fumbled with the binoculars dropping them and then sprinting down the long steps to the dock where Cameron was holding my baby Bella and all three of our kids right next to him.

And I ran.

As soon as they saw me running they began running towards me.

I swear when I had them in my arms I felt fulfilled and so much more happier. I was already happy but now my heart is about to literally burst.

"Mommy!" We hugged as a group and then each one hugged me and showered me with kisses.

Oh I missed them.

"Don't cry momma, we're here." Logan wiped my tears and kissed my eyes making me choke up a sob.

"Mama!" Bella was bursting in giggles reaching for me literally jumping out of Cameron's arms.

Oh god, yeah my heart can't handle all this.

Her tiny arms wrapped around my neck and kissed me on my cheeks gently tapping them and then hugging me again, as if thinking finally.

Me too baby, me too.

"Holy cow, you know when I heard Cameron bought an island I didn't think he was being real." I heard Nats voice and smiled and reached over to hug her.

I didn't even realize that the whole family was coming off another boat.

"Babe, what is this?" He smiled at me still having the kids around him, hugging him tightly.

"Well these past few days have been amazing babe, I know you loved and enjoyed them... but I also know that you would enjoy it more if our family was with us enjoying it all together... so I thought why not have them here for the last two nights." God I love this man.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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