12 - Crocodile

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"Are you sure about that theory (Y/n)-ya?" You and Law had started a little drinking completion so you were happily buzzed but not completely drunk, Law on the other hand was still sober.

"I'm telling you Law it's a strong possibility that's what his secret is" One man in the room confused you a lot ever since the war when you heard Ivankov blackmail him about some big secret he knew about him.

"I wouldn't be talking so loudly if I were you (Y/n)-ya, he might hear you" You weren't to worried about Crocodile hearing you, Law was here to protect you and Luffy would also step up to kick his ass if he tried anything.

"Twelve" Oh that was you, standing up you scanned the room until you saw Crocodile standing up as well. Lucky you, now would be the perfect time to interrogate the man. "Law? If I scream send help"

"I'll think about it" Law filled his glass up with more rum before he picked it up and moved to sit with the rest of his crew. You stared at him a little too long since sand wrapped around your middle and before you knew it you were placed on the closet floor and the door was shut.

"Fancy seeing you here (Y/n), I'm surprised you even survived the war" Ignoring his statement you decided to test your luck and ask your first question.

"Crocodile, have to always been a man?" Before you knew it, his hand was wrapped around your throat but you quickly took out the spray bottle you kept on you to deal with bad devil fruit users and sprayed him.

"Bad Crocodile. Behave yourself or else I'll tell Luffy to kick your ass" He released your neck after that but he didn't answer your question.

"Do I have to repeat my question?" You heard a growl across from you before he responded. "Yes (Y/n) I have always been a man" With that your first theory having been thrown out the window you moved on to the next.

"Have you slept with Ivankov?"

"No! Why would you even ask that!?"

"Just wondering what that big bad secret you have would be" Apparently, he wanted to shut you up though because as you were about to open your mouth again, he attached his lips to yours and began kissing you. He would let you break for air but if you tried to ask another question, he would just start kissing you again. So, his lips stayed on yours until the seven minutes had ended.

The door had opened just as his lips left yours and after that he turned into sand before disappears from the closet. "Ah, good to see your still with us (Y/n)-ya" Law helped you back to your seat but you still had one more theory on your mind and it involved a certain warlord with a pink feathered coat. He was sitting with his crew a few meters from you and Law so you stood up to walk over to him.

"Hey Doflamingo! I have a question for you" He was drinking from a bottle of rum but put it down when you had approached him. "Ah little (Y/n) what would you possibly have to ask me?" You remembered him and Crocodile's fight during the war very well, Doflamingo was acting like a scorned ex.

"You used to be in a relationship with Crocodile, right?" Before you knew it, he was on top on you with a string around your throat, today wasn't going well for you. "Law! Help!" You were safely transported into Law's lap as he wrapped his arms around you so you couldn't cause any more trouble for the day.

"Crocodile, what the hell! Why'd you tell (Y/n) about us!" He was screaming at Crocodile who at this point was trying to hide behind his bodyguard Mr. 1.

"I didn't, you moron!" Crocodile had made a quick escape and Doflamingo stormed out to look for him.

"Oh (Y/n) dear, that wasn't Crocodile's secret by the way"




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