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The night passed by all too quickly, although he stayed in his sweet dreamland longer than Seungho had he was quick to be woken up when hearing a booming voice break through his thinning sleep. He groggily lifted his head, looking confused as he was still partially laced with sleep, unsure of his surroundings until it began to click after looking to the figure standing in the doorway. His stomach dropped only for him to quickly sit upright, wincing a bit at the soreness he felt from the healing brandishment on his ass. Of course he was blissfully unaware of the frustration, tension, and stress he had caused to build inside the man due to his acting out. His brows quickly furrowed and he let out a little huff upon hearing the other call him filthy, "and who's fault is that..?" He grumbled under his breath, he wasn't in the mood to be tortured as soon as he woke up so he decided to keep his witty comments to himself or at the bare minimum to a softer tone of voice so as to 𝘵𝘳𝘺 to keep it to himself. He honestly felt a bit disturbed by the man's monotone voice, so emotionless, he wasn't able to pick up whatsoever on what he was feeling. Although, he did notice the difference of his morning voice compared to when he had met him, it was deeper, raspier, 𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘦𝘳. He broke from thought quickly as the other without warning approached, the leash the other was carrying being attached to the collar around his neck, only for it to be pulled on, signalling for him to follow. Blindly, he did. Although this time he chose to walk rather than crawling on his hands and knees since he hadn't been told specifically to do so, it was his little way to subtly spite the other, even if the man didn't realize it. He was brought into the man's dreaded room causing him to feel a sense of nervousness shoot down his spine as to what he may have planned, however, he tried to not think too much about anything since he wouldn't be able to escape anyways with the door being locked, since he knew Seungho would grab him or send his men after him without hesitation. He simply nodded a bit, rolling his eyes defiantly before hurrying off to the bathroom after having the leash unhooked from his collar, he headed for the bathroom, feeling a sense of happiness brewing inside from the fact he was being given the opportunity to bath, in a what seemed to be regular way, perhaps a shower or a bath, nice and warm, not at all cold like what he had endured the day earlier. Upon entering the bathroom he realized that afterwards he wouldn't have any clothes to wear since he was naked now and doubted the man would give him clothes, he sighed softly at that thought but hurried to get the bath or shower started, wanting to bathe, although, he remembered the strict time limit. Only 15 minutes.. hmmm.. well maybe since the man seemed to be in a better mood he could stretch that, juuusst a little.

Though Seungho was busy, he was a tactful person, his eyes kept on his clock as he waited. In his line of business, time was an important key to keeping your life-he remembered when he was still new to the whole mafia life; anyone who delivered goods late or came late would be shot wherever they stood at that very moment and ever since then, he always strived for better time-management skills. The large male stood there, hovering over his table and sorting his paperwork, sighing to himself, his deep eyes scanning each word. After a few paragraphs in, the male realised that his pet wouldn't be able to tell fifteen minutes were up as he didn't even have a watch or what not and that seemed to put him in an even worse mode though he couldn't really blame his slave as it was his fault. The long haired male glanced at the clock; twenty minutes had passed. He casually walked into the bathroom and kept his gaze unreadable. "It's been twenty minutes. Wrap up whatever you're doing and grab a towel then come outside once you've dried yourself off." He mumbled, his voice still raspy-if he was being honest, he hadn't fully woken up yet as he was one to take ages to get up from bed though he bragged about being tactful and it was quite adorable really how he was a grumpy being when he first woke up and how he wasn't one to wake up early but the cuteness was of course disguised with his cold hearted persona. Before leaving the bathroom, he gave one last look at his pet, "don't make me wait." He stated before walking out and closing the door. It was a simple sentence but between each word was a threat embedded in it, implying that Hoshi would suffer hell once more if he had decided to be a brat once again. A part of Seungho liked to torture and break down the weak human but he wasn't totally ready thst morning though he was looking forward to break his little piece of meat further on the day. No, he wasn't being cruel but he still noticed the subtle defiance such as walking rather than crawling and the eye rolling-he saw it all but rather than speak up, he would gather a list and give it all in one, big punishment. The long haired male went back to his desk and this time, he sat down and opened a drawer, pulling out his glasses to read his paperwork better, grabbing a fountain pen to scribble whatever nonsense needed to be scribbled. Funny enough, not many people saw this side of the mafia-the public always saw mafias as guns and cigarettes accompanied with tough men with scars and all but there was a rather calming side to it all if they looked deeper. Seungho casually crossed one leg over the other and continued his work, looking more like an accountant than a cold-blooded killer but they always said never to judge a book by its cover. As he sat there, the irritating feeling of the lingering anger from last night seemed to poke his mind every few seconds, causing him to lean his head back and let out another loud sigh, his hand casually opening the drawer and feeling around until he got his cigarette and lighter out. His other hand went to help as he pulled a stick out, holding it to his lips and lighting it up, staring at the ceiling. "Hurry up." He boomed through the room, his impatience getting the better of him yet again. He took a long drag of his cigarette and closed his eyes, letting the smoke slowly drift out of his lips as if it were the pent up stress seeded in him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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