♦️Younger Years

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Heya- so it's the first chapter, not much here, just kinda a intro of how you interact with Izuku and Bakugo.



You had once been a small little child, fragile and delicate, sensitive and jumpy. Everything affected you, whether it was as small as the coloured plate you'd eat dinner with, or the bruises on your face in the morning, you'd often whine.

By age four, you had grown out of it, silent and emotionless, passive and lacking reaction. Nothing seemed to bother you, it almost looked like you didn't care. You had grown out of it eventually, being able to smile again after quite some time.

It had been hard at the start.


A small voice pitched in, shaking you out of your thoughts as you turned to face the boy that had called you out. "Izuku!" You began, turning to wave at him with a smile, with a little skip, you toddled towards him, reaching him.

At the age of four, you both were small, full of smiles. "Kacchan is heading into the forest again, you're coming right?" The boy gave you a nervous look, and you simply nodded.

Katsuki was the neighborhood leader, or as you all liked to call him, Kacchan. He was loud and obnoxious, at times you even questioned how you had come to hang out with the boy at all. He was so full of himself, you much preferred Izuku.

However, the two of you head to the forest anyways, arriving quickly considering that the forest resided close to your neighborhood anyways. There were three other boys, ones that you would never even remember the names of, nor would you ever try.

They follow Kacchan like blind puppy dogs anyway-

The blonde haired boy at the front only grinned as you and Izuku approached, probably happy that there were more people to follow him. The six of you were the only kids in your neighbourhood, which is why you all hung out practically all the time.

"Follow me!" Kacchan stated, turning to walk straight down a path that led into the forest. He had picked a stick along the way, the three minions of his doing the same. Izuku simply struggled to keep up, and you kept a bored looking expression on your face.

This continued on for almost an hour, the majority of it spent in the blonde haired boy yelling and prancing around as the rest did the same.

You all at one point reached a big log, recognizing it immediately. It was dangerous, but either way you'd always cross it along with the rest of them, this time however, as you all made your way through, the leader tripped down.

Well there he goes-

You watched in amusement as he fell down to the small creek below, the minions screeching and Izuku running down to help the boy. You however walked to the middle where he had fallen off, looking down.

The boy rose up almost immediately, sputtering and struggling as he fought to catch his breath. You figured it was safe enough, so with a simple movement, you stepped off.

Let's hope it's as fun as it looks.

You lost your balance to some extent, but managed to stay upright when you splashed into the water. You had fallen close to Kacchan, but far enough not to land on him completely. Splashing up, you shook your head to get the water off your hair.

"That was fun!"

All the boys stared at you, seeming to be confused with your words as you laughed, a true smile on your face. It wasn't too often you smiled around them, you found them all boring anyways, other than Izuku of course.

Giving you a glare, the blonde haired boy stepped out of the water, ignoring Izuku's outreached hand. You however took it, flashing the green cute haired boy a smile as he confusingly helped you up.

Izuku deserves better-

That's why you only glared back at Kacchan, who in turn gave you the same glare. In a way, that's how your little rivalry started, always trying to do better than the other, always trying to prove yourself higher than the other.

Heading home that day, you shook from the cold of the water, in pace with Izuku as you rubbed your shoulders. "Hey Izuku-chan, thanks for inviting me today! It was reallyyyyy fun-"

"No problem Y/n..." The green haired boy giggled, scratching his neck as you passed by your house. You turned heading to the drive way as you offered him a wave.

However, he only got a nervous look on his face. "Wait... Y/n-chan... is it, okay for you to go home?"

You stopped in your tracks, looking around and dimly noticing your dads truck parked in the driveway. With a slight intake of breath, you simply nodded, giving him a smile. "Yep! Of course."

But you knew otherwise.

Your whole neighbourhood knew otherwise.

It got very obvious at a young age, you'd show up everywhere with a bruise or two. Soon parents began to get suspicious, and rumours spread like wildfire. You suppose you couldn't call them rumours, after all they were true.

But no one could do anything about it, despite a few of the parents trying to bring it up near your father, he had enough money and power to convince them otherwise. That's right, your dad was a rich man, a very rich man, but one who had debt written all over him, and one who'd never even think to pay it back.

He uses all of it on alcohol anyways.

Stepping into the household, you took your shoes off near the entrance, being slow and quiet to make your way up the stairs. The floorboards never creaked under your weight, something you thanked everyday. Despite your fathers state, you lived in a very nice house.

Once getting you the stairs, you sprinted to your room, letting out a giggle once you flopped onto your comfy bed. It was your safe zone, or so you liked to tell yourself. You could hide under the covers from any monsters, or from your father.


The hairs at your neck stood up once you heard his voice, coming from downstairs as he darkly spoke.

"You're wet aren't you? You left the floor dirty with all your mud filled steps, you better come downstairs now."

I forgot about that...

There was no time to chastise yourself for it, and with slow steps, you walked down the stairs, noticing just how dirty your footsteps had really been.

When you reached the bottom of the stairs, you met your fathers angry dark irises. He looked tired and worn out, hands battered from work. "I don't want to put up with you today," he stated in a cold growl. "Go have a shower and get dressed, and don't come back downstairs, I'm inviting friends over."

With a quick nod, you flew up the stairs, breathing heavy as your hands shook.

Close, way too close.

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