Red *blood warning!*

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Shirabu stared at the sink. At the flower.

Minutes passed. Tears dried on his face.

Suddenly another coughing fit broke out.

Shirabu doubled over, wheezing into his hand.

When he took his hand away from his mouth-


Shirabu didn't register what he was seeing at first.


Bloodstained petals fell to the floor, fluttering around him like skeletal birds.


What was this? What was happening?



He just coughed up blood. Blood and flowers.

"F-Fuck." mumbled Shirabu, stumbling out of the bathroom, grabbing a towel on the way.

He wiped at the blood around his mouth.

He didn't know where to go. He didn't know what to do. What was happening to him? Why? Why? WHY?

He reached for his phone. He should call someone. His parents. Semi. Miyu. 911. Heck, Tendou, even. Where was Taichi? Wasn't he sharing his dorm room with him?

His fingers fastened around his phone, and he shakily brought it up to his face. A black screen stared back at him, his own reflection shining within it.

"Fuck!" yelled Shirabu, throwing the phone across the room. It was out of battery.

He took a deep, shaky breath. It was okay. He was going to be okay. Deep breaths. Deep breaths...

10 Things Shirabu Kenjirou Learned and One Thing He Didn't (Hanahaki AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz