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"Kenjirou-kun!" called out a familiar voice.

"Ah, hello Miyu-san!" said Shirabu, turning around.

"How many times do I have to tell you to drop the honourific?" Miyu snickered, playfully slapping Shirabu's shoulder.

"Anyways, I have something really important to ask you about... someone. Can we talk somewhere more private?"

Shirabu raised his eyebrows. He had a feeling he knew who she was talking about.

"Maybe on the rooftop then? People hardly go there."

"Okay, thanks!"

They walked up to the roof in silence. Shirabu's stomach churned. Was Miyu going to tell him that she liked Semi? How would he respond?

'Have you ever had a crush on anyone?'


Who was it? Who was it? Did Semi still like them?

When they finally arrived onto the roof, Miyu took a deep breath.

"You know how Valentine's day is coming up soon, right?"

Shirabu nodded.

"Well, I- I- I thought maybe- Eita- I could ask him if-"

Shirabu interrupted Miyu to save her from embarrassing herself any further.

"You have a crush on Eita, and you're planning on asking him out?"

Miyu's eyes widened in shock.

"H-How did you know?"

Shirabu smiled, but he was afraid it looked more like a grimace.

"I mean, you're talking about him more, picking up his habits, touching him more, looking at him more..."

Miyu looked horrified.

"Oh no! Do you think I was being too obvious..?"

"No, I don't think you were. At least, I don't think Semi noticed."

At this, Miyu relaxed. Then she tensed up again.

"Do you think that means he might not like me back..?"

Shirabu forced himself to smile at her. 

"I think you have a shot."

It almost killed him to say those six words.

I think you have a shot.

She smiled up at him.

"Thank you, Kenjirou-kun. I really appreciate it. I'm sorry for unloading all this onto you, I just needed someone to talk to..."

She talked on, but Shirabu wasn't paying attention. He was thinking of Semi.

"Anyways, I heard shirasu was your favourite food?" she said, holding up a container. "I made a shirasu rice bowl for you!"

It would be so much easier to hate her. It would be so much easier to be mad at her if she wasn't so nice. Why couldn't she be a horrible person? Why?

Later when Shirabu got back to his dorm he locked himself in the bathroom.

The situation was so ironic it was almost funny. Tears streaked down his face and laughter rattled his bones.

He liked Semi. In fact, Shirabu was positive he loved Semi.

But against one of the most popular, nicest girls in school? He didn't stand a chance.

He loved him but... 

Semi didn't love him back. This Shirabu was almost certain of. 

Some kind of deep sorrow laced through Shirabu, tightening its hold around his neck. Suddenly Shirabu doubled forwards, coughing into the sink.

Shirabu felt sick. Like vomiting.

He retched into the sink, vomiting nothing but air.

Shirabu sobbed into the sink, coughing.

He felt something in his mouth. He spit it out.

It was a sakura blossom.

10 Things Shirabu Kenjirou Learned and One Thing He Didn't (Hanahaki AU)Where stories live. Discover now