...A Crush

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Something that could crush a friendship into rubble.

Something that could build a friendship into a beautiful kingdom.

Shirabu sighed, setting his pencil down on his desk. He closed his textbook and ran his hands through his hair.

He glanced at his phone before quickly picking it up.

He went to Google, and just in case switched to incognito.

how can you tell if you have a crush

He scrolled through the numerous results.

Ways to Recognize That You Have a Crush on Someone:

- Know what a crush is.

Shirabu thought. A "crush" was... when you liked someone. When you wanted to be with someone, or when someone made you blush.

But the same thing could also apply for your friends... right?

- Notice how you act around your friends, and then your crush.

Friends... Shirabu thought of Taichi.

Sure, if Taichi's face was centimeters away from his Shirabu would blush.

Taichi was kind of hot.

I mean, everyone in his volleyball team was.

(Especially Eita.)

-Consider how you feel around your potential crush.

Below this was a description.

"The most common sign of having a crush is the feeling that you have a million butterflies flying around inside you when that special someone is around. It can also feel like your heart does a leap when you see your crush and you feel warm and giddy."

Shirabu did consider this.

He decided to apply this to someone other than Eita. Thinking about how he felt around Eita just seemed too... dangerous. Risky.

He didn't really feel giddy or shy around Taichi, Goshiki, Reon, or anyone else on the team.

Not in the same way Eita made him feel.

Maybe Ushijima, but it still felt different.

Ushijima was more of a celebrity crush kind of thing, Shirabu thought. Like someone living on the other side of the earth, with a million adoring fans, way out of your league. Just something unattainable.

Plus, his senpai Tendou already appeared to have his heart set on him. Shirabu wouldn't even try to take that away from him.

But Semi Eita...

Semi Eita was something separate.

So Shirabu thought. 

Did he have a crush on one of his closest friends?

Though a million thoughts ran through Shirabu's head in that moment the only thing that repeated was one word:


10 Things Shirabu Kenjirou Learned and One Thing He Didn't (Hanahaki AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon