Close Call (Remus Lupin : Harry Potter)

Start from the beginning

The creature had stopped its attack. Instead, it gripped its head and stumbled as the light of dawn shone through the window. It ran out of the room, down to the living room, where it knocked over pictures of y/n and Remus. One was of them dancing and another of them kissing under mistletoe the first year they got together. Now, they lay, frame broken, on the floor.
The creature fell over as it howled in pain. It's form started bending and shifting. Soon, an older man, maybe in his thirties, laid where the creature had. He was nude, clutching to his stomach as he slowly moved.
Sitting up, the man seemed dazed. He took one looked down and groaned, glancing around in search of clothes. Luckily, there on the coffee table in the middle of the room, were a stack of clothes. He hurriedly put them on, glad for the convenience.
Only now, did the man take the time to look around. He was in someone's house. It was trashed and was beyond recognizable. He fumbled around, looking at the broken picture frames on the ground. He internally hoped no one was home before he had entered.
He reached down, moving some of the broken glass, taking a closer look at the the picture. His stomach dropped as he saw the picture. It was himself, wrapped in the embrace of his husband. They were doing a tradition muggles seemed fond of during the holidays.
He quickly stood up straight and ran. He ran upstairs, yelling his husband's name. "Y/n! Love, where are you?" He repeated as he checked every room. He hoped, Remus prayed that he had not hurt him. That his love was okay.
As he entered the bedroom, he knew y/n had to be in there. The door was in pieces and things were torn up in the room. The closet door was half way gone and claw marks littered the wall.
He stumbled in, over the wood and called out again. "Please, love, answer me."
Thats when he heard it. Soft cries from the closet. He rushed to the broken door frame as fast as he could, almost tripping over things.
There y/n was. Huddled in the corner of the closet, shaking uncontrollably. Quiet sobs escaped his mouth. Remus sighed in relief. He was shaken up, but no harm had come to him. Remus opened what else remained of the door and stepped inside.
Y/n glanced up, expecting to see the creature, but was greeted by Remus, who had tears streaming down his scarred face from the scare he had just experienced. Shooting up, Y/n ran into his arms. Remus held him as close as he could without hurting y/n. He dropped to his knees, taking y/n with him. He pulled back, pushing back the hair that fell in y/n's face.
"I was so worried. I though I...." Remus choked out. "I could have...." His voice cracked. It took a lot to get Remus to break down and at this moment, he was overwhelmed.
He was angry at himself that he in a monster form, had almost harmed y/n or worse, he was relieved that he was alive and well, and most of all, Remus was scared. He had just experienced his worse nightmare. Something that even a Bogart couldn't imagine.
"I'm so sorry." He whispered, closing his eyes and bringing his forehead to rest on y/n's.
His heart beat had started to calm. Remus, the REAL Remus was here. He would keep y/n safe, like he always has.
Rubbing y/n's back, he hummed until he was completely calm. Y/n laid his head on Remus's shoulder as he held y/n in his lap. Sleepiness overwhelmed him, but he fought it. "Remus. I missed you." Y/n mumbled out.
Remus was silent, but he pulled y/n closer, holding him tighter. Rocking side to side.
They stayed like that for a while, no speaking, only the sounds of each others breath and heart beats were heard. Slowly, y/n drifted into unconsciousness.

When I woke up, I was in my bed. The first thing I notice is that Remus is no where to be seen. Next is the room itself. All the wreckage had been cleaned up. The door to the room and closet were gone entirely. Everything that had been knocked over or broken was cleaned up or put back in its place. The floor was even swept.
I sat up, rubbing my eyes and stretching.
My first reaction was to find Remus. I headed downstairs, shocked, again, to see a clean room. I wondered around, finally finding Remus in the kitchen. It had also been picked up, but the window in front of our little table had no glass.
Remus turned to look at me, steamy mug in his hand. He looked exhausted. His eyes were red and there were bags under them. He smiled softly and motioned to the seat across from him. I gladly took it, smiling back at him.
"I called to get the window replaced. They should be here around four." He stated, looking back out the nonexistant window, like he had been before I entered the kitchen.
"What time is it now?" I asked, now suddenly curious on how long I slept. Remus glanced at his watch.
"Around three thirty." He quietly replied. My eyes widened. "Why did you let me sleep that long? I could've helped clean up."
Remus made eye contact with me and set his mug down.
"I made the mess, so naturally I cleaned it up." He simply argued. A few pieces of his hair dropped into his face as he continued. "Also, after a night like you had, you needed rest." He reached across the table to take my hand. He sighed and squeezed my hand tight.
"I guess next full moon, I will have to go even further. I won't ever allow this to happen again." He promised as his eye's stared into mine. He lifted up our linked hands and kissed the back of my knuckle. "Is there anything I can do for you to forgive me?" He asked in a quiet whisper, his voice cracking again.
I already knew the answer the moment he let the words out of his mouth. The answer was nothing. Nothing because I already forgave him. It wasn't his fault that this happened and I could never be upset with him over it. Just as I was about to answer, an idea came to mind. I smiled and pulled our hands back to me and I kissed his knuckle back. "I already forgive you, darling. But if you want, how about we cuddle and you read to me?" I asked, hoping he'd say yes.
My favorite thing to do with my free time is listen to Remus read. His voice is always smooth and relaxing. I liked how his chest would vibrate as he read aloud with my head on his chest.
He let out a soft chuckle. "Of course, love."

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