~chapter 16~

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Yes I am back

Alex's POV

Those slowpokes.

Driving at 104 mph. HA with enough coffee and willpower, I can, will, and am doubling that...

On my pink plastic Sofia the first scooter from the Clarence isle at Walmart. 

Here's how it happened. 

I was bouncing around the back seat of Herc's van and everyone was saying "OMIGOSH JUST SIT DOWN" but you see they weren't going fast enough so I took the liberty of Whipping out mah trusty scooter and jumping out the skylight. For the past 15 minutes I've been gliding around on the highway with a cup of coffee in one hand and my phone in the other. I was SUPPOSED to be looking at google maps but I was farther than ever on subway surfers soooooo





I just crashed into the side of the building. The hospital building. I guess that's why they say to not be on your phone while driving. 

"blood pressure higher than average take a bre-"

"SHUT UP SIRI" damn 

I just shut down the only thing that worries about my health

"No I don't"

oh well then

I sprinted up the 3 flights of curling stairs to where the little light on my phone said that Peggy was.

Wait... I was outside the door frame of Johns room. I heard the voice of the most annoying thing in the world and Peggy but... no John. 

"I just don't know guys..." 

oop there it is.

"you have to John!" Peggy squealed

"Yeah I mean you guys are perfect together" added Jeffer-man-thing

Wait. Who are they talking about. Did John find someone else? Does he not care about me? Did I do something wrong? 

I felt my body slide down the wall so I was sitting. Tears began to fall.

"You didn't do nothin' wrong sweet heart" A voice from right next to me spoke. I turned my head. I hadn't seen this face in a long time. It caused me to shed more tears. <y'all it's Marvin>

"Sh-sh-sh-shhhh calm down doll" The figure pulled me into her chest and stroked my hair. 

"I-I keep trying b-b-but I alw-w-ways m-mess up-p" I sniffled

" Now Alexander" she held me in front of her ," Remember something that calms you down. A memory. I'd like to talk to my son and be able to understand him." She chuckled

I thought. "D-do you r-r-remember when-n you would call Am-melia and I d-down for breakfast and then quo-ote someone?"

"Of corse! you would have to guess who I was quotin'"

"Yeah that. Thats m-my mem-m-m-mory"

I hadn't seen my mother is almost 16 years and I still think of her every day. There would be times when I'd be cleaning or listening to music or studying and I'd be thinking of my family and I woulf think of Amelia and sometimes Marvin. I then remember that mom was also a part of it and I only really forget for a fraction of a second. But that fraction of a second makes me feel guilty.

{Sketches}~ Lams modern soulmate AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz