~chapter 5~

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Jefferson POV

"Okayyyyyy JEFFERSON" I let out a sigh. Of course Aaron would choose me. "Truth.....or DARE"

"Dare" I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I flipped my hair because I was fucking fabulous.

"Fine, I dare you to be a dick to the next person you see for no reason. NO the next two people." He held up two fingers  and smirked.

I rolled my eyes as Jemmy started hysterically laughing. "He doesn't need a dare to do that" he cackled. I shot him a death glare.

"Why are we even playing this. We are in collage not 4th grade." I protested.

"No getting out of this one, Thomas" Burr laughed.

As he said that I saw a small dude who I've seen walking around campus with that John dude. I wanted Juicy gossip so I walked up to him.

"Hey small dude" I waved cheerfully. That's what I called Jemmy.

The little dude's back was facing me but I still saw him flinch. He slowly turned around and snarled, "What did you just call me?" I had a fabulous feeling it was rhetorical.

I held up my hands in surrender. "Whoa there I'm not looking for a fight. I just wanted to ask you a question.

He stayed silent so I continued, "I just wanted to know if you and that John kid were dating yet,"

He blushed a deep crimson at which I had to stifle a laugh.

"Not that it's any of your business but no we aren't. And why do you say yet?" 


"No reason." I looked behind Alex to where Burr and Jemmy stood both giving my over exaggerated thumbs up. 

I cleared my throat. "I just think you two could've both done better." The small gremlin turned redder than before and he leapt up and rapidly slapped me in the face. 

I watched as Burr and James both turned away like I wasn't being a-small-ted. ha. Imma use that. get it cuz I'm being assaulted by a small child. 

I let out a huff and picked him up by his collar. Suddenly an angel and John emerged from a door. 

Oh my god 



I was alone at the sandbox and a cute little girl emerged. 

"Hi! I'm Margarita but the teacher says that's a bad word for something adults drink and that I'm lying but it really is my name!!" I didn't know a lot of words but I knew that the pink animal of Margarita's shirt was a pig.

"Peg" I murmured. 

I struggled to stand up. "PEGGY!!!" I shouted and threw my hands up.

She gasped and put her hands on her face. "I love that name. I'm going to change my name to Peggy now. Whats your name."

"Thomas" I deadpanned. 

She ran up and hugged me. "Oh, Thomas we're going to be best friends forever and ever and ever"

I wasn't sure she could keep that promise. Forever is a long time. Daddy once told mommy he would stay with her forever and ever and ever but he ran away. 

"Pinky promise?" I said sticking out my bottom lip. 

"Yeah okay" peggy exclaimed. Then we hugged. 

~fifth grade~

I was sweating. Jemmy told me to just ask her already but It was really scary. What if she said no. What is she was going with someone else. What if she hates me.

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