5. transformation

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5. transformation

Wilber bolted his door shut tight. The radio buzzed in a mechanical shriek as its frantic message played again "Attention all residents of North Malster, this is an emergency. A creature known to be able to mimic almost anyone has escaped into the town. I urge everyone to lock your doors and windows, Keep your radios on and trust nobody. Attention all resid-". He locked the windows tight and drew all the blinds. He heard the clang of his cat coming through its cat flap and he picked up a roll of duct tape, duck taping it shut and petting his cat. It meowed in response before curling up next to the fire. 

Just then there was a thumping on the door and the frantic cries of his neighbour on the door "Let me in! please!" She called. He stepped away from the door and kept quiet. "I'm locked out of my house! Please let me in!". The frantic pounding on the door continued for several minutes before they ran off. He breathed a sigh of relief before sitting down on his chair. It was just then he noticed a streak of blood next to the fireplace. His heart dropped as his eyes followed it into the kitchen. His gut told him not to follow it but he had to know.

 He followed it into the kitchen where he heard the rattling from within a cupboard. He slowly crept towards it and threw it open. Inside he saw what could almost be mistaken for his cat. Its tail was several feet long and protruded from its cat tail like some sort of spine like bone. Its face was melted and its fangs long and plentiful. It had so many eyes that all darted to him as he opened the door. It lunged at him at once, its twisted tail wrapping around his neck and its fangs sinking deep into face. He screamed in pain and tried desperately to pull it off as its tail dug deep into his neck, causing blood to stream down it like tears of pain. He fell back and hit his head. His vision began to grow blurry as he felt it slash open his stomach and crawl its way inside. He felt his control over his body fade as he faded from consciousness and into the sweet embrace of death

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