Chapter 27| Mad Tracy

Start from the beginning

Though I remembered a line that got to me. It said at some point; Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to thy cross I cling.

Oh that's it! I knew it had cross and cling to it. Anyway, that one sentence clicked to me. That one sentence, twelve words and forty three letters spelt something to me.

It was true I brought nothing to this church, yet I was clinging to the tiniest piece of hope that this Jesus guy could work some magic just for Anna's sake. Was it coincidental that the song spoke directly to me or was it mystic?

Alighting my train of thought, I stood up and joined the line forming in front of the altar for anointing. The line moved slowly but not too sluggish while the instrumentalists played their tools solemnly.

When it got to my turn, the Reverend dabbed anointing oil on my forehead from a small uncapped bottle with his two already oily fingers, drawing the sign of a cross on it while muttering incoherent words. I didn't think he was speaking in tongues. Probably saying some prayers.

Shortly after I was back to my seat, it was offering time. Envelopes were distributed around and Kelvin gave me his to return to flirting with some girl beside him. I didn't know how much to leave in the brown wallets but soon decided on ten grand in each of them before dropping them in the small baskets being passed around.

After remitting the offer, I looked up at the ceiling.

damn, so high.

When I dropped my gaze on the altar, I locked eyes with another pair.


So creepy.

Nope, it was scary.

Very uncomfortable.

Would she stop!?




"Oh, it's no problem at all. She can go with the boys. They will drop her off on their way home." the woman suggested and my brain imaginarily exploded.

No way. No, no, no, no freaking way!

The white freak looked at with an unexplainable expression before masking it with a blank look. The other boy just sized me up with a smirk like I was some sort of prey.

"No ma'am, it's okay. We will take a cab. No need to bother them." I said and gave Chioma a pleading look to back me up.

She only looked at me like I had grown another pair of head. Of course. I should have known Chioma better than to forfeit a free ride.

"Nonsense. They will drop you off in no time." she insisted.

"Go with them Tracy. And be sure to pick the beans I left on the cabinet when you get home." my mom added with a persuading smile.

It was non-negotiable. I was defeated. There was no way out now.

"Yes ma." I grunted out.


I glanced at the sideview mirror with hands on the wheel, then looked up at the rearview to see Kelvin and the girl at the back laugh and chatter amongst themselves.

How easily those two started a conversation still baffled me. Barely two seconds into the drive. What! At least they were acting more friendly than this fuming one at my side.

When we were about to leave after service, Aunt Lydia met a woman who turned out to be her long lost friend. Not long, mad Tracy, as I heard her mom call her <except the mad, that one's mine> appeared shortly after, asking for T-fare.

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