"Michael!" Luke's voice reaches my ears as I was sitting in front of the flames, thinking about Greenwood and what could be going on there. Nobody will notice my absence, but they will notice Luke's. And Luke's disappearance is linked to mine. Which means they know about my dad. I wonder where he is. Did they take him away to jail for child abuse? Did my father wake up before they could find the house and vanish into the woods? Could he be just around here, watching and waiting to strike when the time is right?

Luke appears from the thick cluster of trees, his backpack slung carelessly over his broad shoulder and his hands holding the tails of three fish. They dangle from his fingers, obviously dead and dripping with water. I widen my eyes at them. I didn't think he actually could catch any.

I laugh brightly as Luke saunters over, proudly holding his fish as he sits down next to me, tucking his feet under him like he used to do at the stone. His pale fingers pull over a flat rock, laying the fish down on it and pushing it up beside the fire, letting the flames cook the fish.

"I can't believe you actually caught them." I comment, making Luke's proud smile grow. "I'm impressed."

"Are you?" Luke grins, his blue eyes twinkling. "I should do this more often, then."

The blue sky has faded into darkness, the only light casting down from the dimly lit moon. The fire exerts enough light for Luke and I to see each other, and a bit of our surroundings. To me, its perfect.

"I'm kind of dreading going back." Luke says quietly. I turn to look at him, at the profile of his face. I stare at his straight forehead, at his long eyelashes and the slant of his nose. My eyes trace down to the curve of his lips and to his chin, and I can't help but be a little jealous. He's so beautiful, and I'm not.

"To Greenwood?" I ask, looking back into the burning flames. "Why?" Luke has a life there. He has Calum, Ashton, his cousins. He has his basketball team and his friends at school. He could go back and live a normal life there. There is no reason for him to dread returning.

"No, not Greenwood." Luke shakes his head, and I furrow my eyebrows at him. "Back to the city. To Sydney."

I feel myself deflate. I had completely forgotten that Luke would have to go back. That he would have to leave. Knives stab at my head just thinking about it, and my raw throat begs to scream. Luke can't leave, he can't. My fingers were just able to latch onto the silver lining that is Luke, ghosting over him and letting him in. Confusion etches into my mind when I think of living around Greenwood without the blonde. It was hell living without him before, and I can guarantee that it will be hell when he leaves.

I blink quickly, not wanting my tears to spill down my cheeks. I should have known that he would leave eventually of course. That's what people do. They leave.

I feel an arm wrap itself around my shoulders, gently pulling my shaking body closer to Luke's. The blonde pulls my closer, until I am trembling in his lap and his chin is resting on my head. I focus on Luke's chest against my cheek, feeling it rise and fall with each breath he takes. I listen to the timing of Luke's heartbeat, throbbing to the wretched beat of the tears escaping my eyes.

I feel Luke begin to play with my hands, his fingers tracing over mine gently. I look down at Luke's hands, nice and tanned and pretty against my sickly pale ones.

"You have cute fingers." Luke states, his lips curving into a smile. The lip ring piercing his skin glints in the light of the fire. I stare up at him, admiring his beauty as he continues touching my fingers before slowly slipping them between his, giving my small hand a squeeze inside his.

"Luke, what are we?" I ask, and the blonde blinks down at me, looking thoughtful.

"I don't know." He says softly, staring into the crackling fire. "Do we have to be anything? Like, can we just be... us?"

I think about his words. "I suppose so."

Luke continues to hold me as we stare out at the dark mountain tops, hearing the far away rush of the river and the combined snapping of the fire. We listen to the croaking of the frogs and the chirping crickets that never seem to stop singing as we sit, two bodies melted into one at the mercy of the flames.

"Although," Luke speaks, bending his head down to look at mine with a smile, "if we were to label ourselves..."

Luke wraps both of my hands in his, snuggling my closer into his chest. "...I would ask you to be my boyfriend."

"Yes." I immediately say, warmth flooding my cheeks.

"I haven't even asked you yet!" Luke complains, laughing. His blue eyes twinkle in the light and I blush furiously, my heart clambering in my chest.

The blue eyed boy smiles down at me, pressing his lips to my neck. "Will you be my boyfriend?" His lips move against my neck, his lip ring cold on my skin.

A smile overtakes my face and I nod quickly. "Yes. Yes, yes, yes." Luke smiles as well, turning me around in his lap so I am facing him, my bum on his legs and my legs on either side of his torso. I swiftly wrap my arms around his neck in an embrace, and Luke is quick to follow.

"We forgot to eat the fish." I say, glancing at the seafood that is obviously burnt by the fire. Luke chuckles, pressing his lips against my hair.

"Oops." He laughs. "I'm not too hungry anyway. Are you?"

I shake my head. "No. I'm happy." Luke smiles, as if hearing that word brightened his mood.

Luke cuddles me to his chest as the moon rises in the black sky, brighter than any moon I've seen. Its full tonight- a perfect circle, like a spotlight in the sky.

"You know, I've never seen a full moon before." Luke tells me. I look up at him in surprise.

"Why not?"

"You can never see them in the city, with all the lights and the buildings." he explains. I sigh, trying not to think about how he has to return, and I close my eyes.

Luke gently moves me off of him, laying me on the ground before slowly lowering himself down next to me, our heads resting on soft grass and our bodies pillowed by the blankets. The fire provides us warmth as Luke drapes his arm across my shoulders, letting me use his broad shoulders as a pillow. The night drones on, the night bugs never failing to cease their singing.

Luke falls asleep shortly, his eyelids closing and his eyelashes tickling his cheeks. I stare at him, at his bright blonde hair and his plump lips, and his broad chest, which contains a heart that held enough compassion to let a scarred purple haired boy take him away into the forest without looking back. I don't deserve him. I don't deserve all the happiness he has brought me, but I will accept it.

I lean down, pressing my lips against his forehead. "Thank you for everything, Luke." I say to the sleeping boy. I gently rest my head back on his shoulder, tangling his feet with mine and letting the flames shoot sparks into the sky.

A/N HBD CALUM HOOD he's 19 i cry what is this i cannot someone hold me

sorry for the late update but aw im so muke af

pls vote and comment ily you guys are the bomb.com bye


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