Chapter 2 : Forgiveness

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"Bellamy?" Clarke breathes quietly, like the slightest noise could scare him away.

Bellamy throws a log into the fireplace and immediately turns to face the voice. He freezes dead in his tracks.

Their eyes meet.

"I'm going to give you two some space," Madi hints, quietly closing the door behind her.

Bellamy rushes to his feet and brushes the ash off of his pants. Clarke, in disbelief and questioning her own sanity, rushes towards him. Bellamy greets Clarke with a warm embrace.

"How... how is this possible? I killed you," she stutters.

Bellamy giggles, "I know, princess. I know," holding her close.

"You aren't mad?" Clarke asks, pulling back from the hug with suspicion.

"I managed to betray everyone I love. I put all of your lives in danger," Bellamy began. "I lost who I was. I would have been more mad if you didn't killed me."

He sweeps the hair away from her eyes. Clarke looks up at him in relief.

"I betrayed you, you killed bout we call it even?" Bellamy jokes as he pulls Clarke into another tight hug.

"Okay," Clarke replies in disbelief, managing to giggle through her tears.

Clarke felt her anxiety start to disappear. She began to be at peace with herself. She had made those decisions to save the people she loved; people like Bellamy. She loved Bellamy?

Bellamy interrupted her thoughts, whispering in her ear, "I was right about transcendence though."

Clarke breaks away from Bellamy's grasp, still feeling mad and guilty.

"This doesn't make sense," Clarke began. "The dead don't transcend."

"Actually, those who die and don't believe don't transcend. Believers who die before the test, and whose species eventually transcends, will also transcend." Bellamy explains.

"Why did you come back? You got everything you wanted... transcendence I mean," Clarke snapped.

"I came back for you. I couldn't stand the thought of you being alone forever." Bellamy replied, "Especially after everything you have done for me. I am the heart, you are the head. I'm sorry. I lost myself and betrayed your trust. I had to get what I wanted to realize it wasn't even worth it. Living forever isn't even worth it if you're not with who you love."

Clarke has heard enough. She is overcome with gratitude, love, affection and admiration. Her best friend. Her best friend loves her? Her heart pounds as she grabs his face, and stares into his eyes.

"Just kiss me already," Clarke demands.

Bellamy smiles, and slowly their lips meet. Clarke is at ease. A rush of emotion and longing sweeps through her. Her world melts. Clarke loves him. She really loves him. Clarke and Bellamy? Who would have thought?

"Hey, love birds!" Murphy intrudes, bursting through the doors. " Are you going to keep going at it all day, or are you going to come and help us make dinner?"

"One minute, Murphy," Bellamy answers, then kisses Clarke again.

"Take your time. It's not like we're hungry or anything," Murphy sarcastically complains, leaving and shutting the door behind him.

"Fine, we're coming!" Clarke yells after Murphy, breaking away from Bellamy's lips. Bellamy's hand slips into Clarke's, and their fingers intertwine.

"We are in this together," Bellamy says, squeezing her hand.

Clarke and Bellamy join the others outside and begin to get ready for another night on Earth.


Emori and Murphy welcomed their first child into the world a year later, followed by Octavia and Levitts first child. Each couple is taking the idea of repopulating the earth very seriously so Madi won't be alone. This story of friendship, survival, love and sacrifice will be told throughout generations, as it depicts how far the human spirit will go to survive and protect the ones we love. As Monty said, "This is our chance to be better, to do better." We may choose to retake the test in the future, but for now...we are happy. We hope this story of the 100 helps our future generations make sense of humans' nature and history. To all we have lost, and all we have saved, may we meet again.

Clarke Blake.

The 100 : We Meet Again (alternative ending)Where stories live. Discover now