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Since that day, Jennie be a part of everything in my life, we are more comfort to talk about each other

There is the time that I know about how she become part time Lecturer a side from her main job to be a Director of her family company

& I share her about how my life is

She really fulfill her words to be my companion in canteen when I eat, not everyday ofcourse cause she doesn't always come to Uni and I don't always have some schedule with her

But at least once a week we always have lunch together in canteen

Some of students keepn their glances at us, we aware of it, but we act like nothing happend

But eventho we've become more closer, we still keep each others privacy to not ask about our private live, like LOVE-life, it doesn't like we say it out loud about "you can ask me anything but not about love life" no, it just still thinking that there is a line between us to talk about that so I keep my mouth silent

Yes Lisa keep asking me about how Jennie & I right now, but the answer will always be: we are just friend

We exchange our phone number; sometimes Jennie comes to Uni just for giving me a cake incase I skip my lunch doing task in Library; sometimes she send me text out of the blue asking me what I'am doing and even report me every single thing she did, or when she going somewhere

Lisa said friend don't do that 24/7 plus she still always come to Aus's Caffe right like what Lisa said: almost in every my work day


I heard a car honked a few meters & come near then stop in front of me

Today is my off day but I still have to doing my essay-task about history of music concert, then there is no other way than I went to Library at Uni to do some research

I finish doing that and decide to go to Aus's to see Lisa and release my stress talking with her

But this car in front of mine is hold me from hoppin' the bus I wait before, it's Jennie's car

"Hi Chaeyoungie~~" she pull down the window and greet me with her gummy smile

"Oh hi, Jenn.. I don't know you were at Uni"

"Yes I didn't go there, I was meeting my client at his office near Uni, then I saw you here, what are you doing.. it's almost dark"

"I wait for the Bus before then I missed it when you stop"

"Sorry then, where will you go?"


"Aren't you off today?"

"I'm not going there for work, I just want to have some coffee to release my tiredness from study while talk to Lisa"

"Okay, as a change for make you missed the Bus, then I'll take you there, come in"

— — —

It's the first time I stay inside Jennie's car

It's the another first moment I had about Jennie

Half of the ride is silence but not too quiet, Jennie turn music since before

"thank you for give me a ride" I say that to her while take a look her side profile figure

"No worries, Chaeyoungie~"

"There! I forget to ask you that, Jennie" a smile appear from my lips when I remember about this question I always forget to ask

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