The Basics

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Name: Kasey C.
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Birthdate: July 3rd, 1998
Height: 5'0"-5'1"
Birthplace: Russia
Current Location: USA (Florida)

Likes: Pennyboarding, koalas, bass guitar, music, piercings, tattoos, hair dye, the color red, Scarlette (my sister), the beach, video games, drawing, The Walking Dead, PeaceTea, Monster Energy Drinks, sweaters (so comfy), Galaxy print, being barefoot, lizards, and gymnastics.

Dislikes: Being deep in the ocean, school, bullies, sluts, liars, my dad, country music, large dogs, snakes, crabs, Gatorade, the color yellow, being short, and being alone for long periods of time.

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