10| Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul

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A yellow, old convertible littered with dents and mud stains occupied a spot in the school parking lot. Ten sat half asleep in the ripping passenger seat. "Can we go to Burger King?"

His taller boyfriend, who was behind the wheel, set down his phone and yawned. His jaw and chest flexed at the action, but then it puffed, and his cute natural double chin made an appearance. "My cousin said she'll give us free food. Business is slow, and she's lonely."

"Alright. Let's invite Jaehyun too. I haven't hung out with him in a hot second."

"Okay," Ten agreed, it didn't bother him either way. He reclined back the seat and put a random beanie in the interior of the car over his eyes for cover from the overbearing sunlight.

Johnny patiently waited with each ring as he called his best friend. The call answered with the automatic voicemail machine, Johnny visibly sunk in defeat. "Hmm, he didn't answer. But there's Chenle!"

His hand engulfed an old level on the door, cranking the window down with each push. Ten snickered at how funny it looked, and how old Johnny's car was.

"Hey!" Chenle jumped at the sudden loud voice calling out beside him. But when he looked over his shoulder and saw a familiar face waving him over, he happily skipped up to his older friend's car. "Have you seen Jaehyun?"

"He's taking care of some important business. Why?" Chenle asked defensively. He was kind of upset at the older for avoiding Jaehyun. Especially for a boyfriend, the one who was a second from passing out beside him.

Yes, he loved their adorable relationship. But Johnny should be able to prioritize and not revolve his world around it.

"I was wondering if he wanted to come to Burger King. I guess not today then." Johnny's mouth dipped down into a frown but turned it upside down after noticing the expectant look Chenle gave him. "Do you wanna come?"

"Yessir!" The loud boy screeched, effortlessly hopping over the car and into the backseat. It wasn't that cold yet, and Johnny kept the top off. Mainly because it was massive and heavy, and he'd rather wait until he had to put it up.

Chenle stole the aux cord and plugged in his phone. When the car rumbled to life, he started playing random music downloaded on his phone. Idle chatter filled the voids of any silence lingering, Ten blocking it all out while he napped.

Soon enough, the car came to a jerking stop throwing everyone within it forward. "Shit John, you gotta warn me next time." Ten groaned out, rubbing the place on his forehead that hit the dashboard. Chenle snickered and scrambled out before Ten could grab him.

He ran inside, not waiting for his friends as he chose a table beside the counter. As his eyes roamed around, he noticed one other person there. Their head was hidden behind a white hoodie and stared down at a phone while they munched on their dinner.

Johnny and Ten came walked in hand in hand. Ten's eyes flittered around, trying to spot a certain someone. He found the person and called out, "Wassup Lisa!"

The said person turned around from behind the register with a displeased look. She looked like she saw the most disgusting thing ever. "Ew, it's you."

"Don't act like you didn't beg me to come here because you were quote on quote lonely." His voice became higher pitched as he sassed back.

"I don't need you no more. My friend Jisung came in clutch. Right Jisung?" The person hidden under the white hoodie jerked up at the sound of his name. He looked like a deer caught in headlights with wide, confused eyes staring at the group in wonder and a thoughtful tilt of his head.

Chenle almost passed out. His adorable fascination with the blonde male peeped through. "Yeah?" Jisung asked in confusion, his deep voice warming Chenle's insides and face.

"Why don't you come sit with them while I get their order?"

Jisung shly nodded, making his way to the table. He plopped a seat beside Chenle and looked over with a smile. "Hi."

While Chenle died, Ten and Johnny ordered their food with an overly talkative Lisa. She was energetic due to suppressed sleep. "Look at how cute they are.." She pointed over to the younger boys conversing over a video Jisung was passionately watching.

By conversing, it was Jisung who was doing all the talking while Chenle stared at him with a lovesick gaze. The two agreed and grabbed the prepared food, taking it over to the table. Shortly after, Lisa followed, and the five of them were acting like crackheads together.

"It was nice hanging out with you guys, " Jisung quietly said after calming down from a laughing fit brought on by a funny story Ten told of Johnny from class. "Thank you!"

"Of course. Anytime you want to hang out, Ji, but just let me know!" Chenle responded, handing the other back his phone. He had just added his contact and wanted nothing more than to go outside and scream.

Johnny couldn't help it. He externally cooed at the two, having to be held back by the cousins before he pinched their baby cheeks. Jisung laughed and said, "Anyway, I have to get going. Bye!"

They said goodbye and watched as Jisung hopped into his mother's car, making sure he was safe. "When do you have to go, Chenle?"

Chenle looked at the time, and his eyes widened. "Shit! Right now."

"Ayo, watch your language, boy!" Lisa scolded after a running Chenle who was on a call with his mom. "Jeez."

"Alright, old geezer," Ten jokingly said, earning a playful punch in the arm.

It was almost time for the Burger King to close, and the JohnTen couple was waiting in the car as their female friend closed up. "Do you think Jaehyun and Taeyong are okay? They look like they're avoiding each other something."

Johnny thought about it for a bit. He was right. The two weren't hanging out that much and seemed tense. "I'm not sure. I'll ask Jaehyun the next time I see him."

"Okay," Ten was about to lay back when a sudden kick against his seat startled him. He looked back at his cousin, who was grinning in the back seat. It was a mystery to all as to when or how she got there. Even Johhny didn't notice with his hand holding his chest in surprise. Ten rolled his eyes and asked, "What are we doing now?"

"Your mom," Lisa responded.

"My mom won't hesitate to get the chancla." Ten stuck his tongue out at her terrified expression.

"Don't tell Aunty!! I'm sorry."

Johnny had started driving, and the atmosphere was calm as lofi music flowed out of the speakers.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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