A New Beginning

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It’s 5:00am.

I wake up everyday in the same mood and with the same view. 

Pictures. I look at the pictures of my family and I on the ceiling that is yet not filled up completely. I smile everyday knowing it’s going to be a normal day with nothing new. Today, there is something new. A new beginning of the year. School.

I get out of my bed and into my home shoes, then walk into my bathroom. My bathroom is huge, and i’m still not used to the size. There are two doorway’s to access my bathroom, one to the north which I walk through all the time, and one to the left which Maria comes through to ready my bathtub. My bathtub is located in the middle of the bathroom with new fresh water surrounding it. Rocks on which I step on to get to the tub also surround it. My sink is in front of the tub and is connected to the wall, which water rolls down the walls in a steady motion. To the left is an almost transparent half wall to block the view of the toilet, which is connected to the left wall. On the right wall is my shower, which is covered with also another almost transparent half wall, water going down on it very steadily. All my walls and the floor are colored with grey that is the same color as my rocks. 

I take off my clothes and put them on a hanger next to the door. I walk up to the rocks and step on top of them to reach my bathtub. Once I reach the bathtub I get in the bubbly water and keep my hair in a bun on top of my head. I lower myself into the steamy water and relax. Once I am relaxed in the water, I take my book from the side table next to my tub and I start to read.

The door swifts open and Maria walks in. Once she sees me she says, “Sorry madam but I have put the wrong soap in your bathtub, would you like me to change it?”

I sigh and I smell in the scent of Lavender which is new to me. I look at her, “No Maria, this is fine. I really don’t mind. And please Maria, do not call me madam. I’m only seventeen, you know?” I smile at her and she shyly smiles back. Maria is new to this home after Danielle, my care taker, passed away a few months ago. She still isn’t used to me. Not yet.

“Sorry Madam” She says and I raise my eyebrows and cock my head to the side, also placing a smile on my face. “I mean, Emma. I shall leave now.” She bows her head and leaves, closing the door behind her. I sigh and continue reading my story. Nicholas Sparks is an amazing author. The Last Song is an amazing, love yet sad story. The second best I have read. The Notebook of course, is my favorite.

Two hours past and it is now 7 o’clock in the morning. I put my book to the side and I stand up. I take my towel from the side table and step out of the tub. I dry myself and I now smell like Lavenders. A new yet beautiful smell. I wrap the towel around my body and step on the rocks back onto solid ground. I walk over to the sink and start to brush my teeth. I look into the mirror when I am finished and I start to put a little concealer under my eyes, to conceal the not yet black circles under my eyes. I then walk out of the bathroom from the north doorway, and into my bedroom.

My bedroom is even bigger than the bathroom, of course. My bed is located in the north side of my room. It’s shape is circular and it is not connected to the wall. The white cover on top is already neatened and the floor is always shinning. The walls and concrete floors are white. The door to the bathroom is on the right side of the bed. To the left is another door leading me into my closet. I walk into the closet and keep the door open for me. I turn on the lights and everything is in order by color. I walk over to the shirts section and I look through the shirts. I then walk over to the dresses section and look for something nice to wear. I look into the white section of the dresses and I pick one out. The dress is pure white and it is sleeveless. It’s length is just above my knees and it has a flow to it. I walk over to the shoes section and I pick out a pair of shoes that is a nice color of brown. I then go to the bags section and choose a small shoulder bag that is the same color as the shoes. I walk back into my room and I drop the towel to the floor, then I pick it up and place it on the bed. I get dressed into my undergarments and then I wear the dress. 

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