Chapter 18: Pre-Dance Stress

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I lead them to the rehearsal session we had originally booked for Finn and Piper, but Amy and Piper are already there. They explain to me that they have a duet from the resurrection rounds prepared, but I don't think that's going to work. The resurrection round duets are usually less impressive, as there are so many styles to rehearse.

"I'm sorry Amy, Piper. But Kingston and Lily already have a good duet, so they'll be representing TNS in the next round."

I usher them towards the exit.

"Now, you two go have some fun and leave Kingston and Lily to their duet."


I have no idea what's happening, but Nick just gatecrashed Kingston and I's date and we're apparently doing the duet now? I thought Piper and Amy were going to do it? And did Nick just dismiss Piper? Has he forgotten that if Piper doesn't compete in the first 2 rounds, she won't be allowed to dance in the semifinals or finals?

I try to speak up, but Nick shushes me.

"Just, get to rehearsals you two. No talking."

My mom definitely does not know about this. But there's no way I can go tell her now that Nick's making us stay in the auditorium. I shoot a look at Kingston, and he shrugs. I guess we'll just have to go with it.


Nick's not letting Amy and I do the duet. At first, I think it's okay, as it means that there's no pressure on me. But something's nagging me at the back of my head.

That's right! Dancers who are part of teams who don't compete in the solo, duet, trio, and small group rounds aren't allowed to dance with the team in the finals, as all the dancers have been introduced already. This means that I won't be able to dance in Dancemania at all.

The realisation hits me like a ton of bricks. Does Nick really not trust me to do the duet? Does he just not want me to dance? Am I really that bad of a dancer that I can't be trusted to represent TNS? I run away, ignoring Amy's calls of concern in the background.


I'm just chilling at home, waiting for Riley's classes to be over to pick her up, when Pipes calls on the I-pad. She looks panicked and upset, so I immediately get concerned. What had happened.

"Pipes! What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Finn missed his flight so he's not here so Amy and I decided to do the duet but then Nick kicked us out of rehearsals and now I'm not doing the duet anymore which means I won't be able to compete at Dancemania at all for the rest of the competition." She sobs.

My first thought is how did Finn even miss his flight. But then I process what she says. What? Why on earth would Nick kick her off the team? Pipes is an amazing dancer. And what's Emily doing about it?

"Okay pipes. First, you have to calm down. I'll talk to Emily, okay?"

"Emily's on the Plane with Finn right now."

I don't pay attention to that. Instead, I pick up my phone, and text Emily.

J: What the hell is going on? Why did Nick take piper off the duet?

E: Wait, what? Finn and I are on the way to the Dancemania shooting area right now. We're going to make it in time for the rounds.

J: Piper and Amy decided to do the duet cause Finn wasn't there, but Nick isn't letting them do it.

E: Dammit. Let me sort this out.


For god's sake. How much of an idiot is he? Doesn't he realise that if Piper doesn't dance, she won't be able to compete? Finn's a different matter, he can slip into the small group if he has to. But this duet's piper's only chance to be introduced, so she has to dance. And where's Ms Angela? I'd think she's smart enough to figure it out.

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