13 - Proposal {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by allymae9563

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"You're getting good." Jace smiled as he jumped in the air to avoid the swipe of (Y/n)'s knife. 

"And you're getting brave." She smiled back as she ran towards him. They were practising their fighting techniques, ensuring that they were taking no chances whatsoever when they were called out on a mission. It was Jace's idea, and as always, (Y/n) was always up for it. To her, practising her fighting with Jace, was a much better date night than the two of them getting dressed up to go out for a fancy meal. "What do you mean?" Jace asked, shocked by her statement. "I'm always brave." He stated, puffing out his chest slightly as the two of them came to a standstill. 

"You're brave for having the nerve to tell me that I'm getting good." She smirked. "I've always been good." That's when she took him by surprise and raised her knife at him, a movement that he quickly met with a sudden movement back. "I like this side of you," Jace smirked, doing a backflip and ending up on the other side of (Y/n). He turned her around to face him. He kissed her. 

"What was that for?" (Y/n) asked. 

"Because I love you." He smiled as he looked at her and raised his hand up to his chest and glanced down at what he was holding. (Y/n) looked down to see a ring. "What's that?" She asked, as she watched Jace get down on one knee. "(Y/n), I love you and I always will. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" 

"Yes." (Y/n) exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Jace. "I love you so much." She smiled. There was a silence that lasted for a few moments before the pair went straight back to fighting. 

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