#10 - Please don't leave me {Part 1}

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You and Jace fought side by side battling the demons together.  Alec and Isabelle were on the other side battling some more demons. This was the biggest battle that you had ever fought but you knew that you were safe because you were next to Jace. 

You clenched your sword tight in your hand as you attacked the enemy, and they in turn, attacked you back. You were too busy attacking one of them that you didn't see another one come up behind you. So when you turned around, you were shocked, and couldn't act quick enough.  "(Y/n)!" You heard as you stabbed. The pain was unbearable. "NO!" It was Jace. He came up behind that one that had attacked you and stabbed them. When they dropped to the floor, you saw Jace; he caught you as you fell to the floor. You were dying, and you knew that these were you're final goodbyes. "(Y/n)'s been hit!" Jace shouted as he held onto you. "It's going to be okay babe." He tried to reassure you. "You're going to be okay." When you shook your head, he refused to listen. Jace didn't want to believe that he was going to lose you. He couldn't; without you, he was nothing, and he had no reason to carry on living. Alec and Isabelle ran over. "Get her out of here." Alec demanded. "We'll be fine, we've got backup. Go!"

Jace nodded in reply, and picked (Y/n) up in his arms and carried her to somewhere safe. "Jace." You said in a forced whisper. You needed him to listen to you. "This is it." You told him, but once again he shook his head. "No!" He said, tears formed in his eyes. "No, I will not lose you (Y/n). You're going to be okay." Now you were crying along with him.

"Jace, listen to me. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"It's been a hell of a adventur-" You began to talk but drew your last breathe. Jace screamed your name as you died right there in his arms. "I love you. Please don't leave me." He begged as he cried over you. 

It was in the moment, he swore revenge. Someone was going to pay for your death. 

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