"What the hell did you give me?" I angrily yelled at him.

He just smiled as my body started to get hot and every little touch seemed to turn me on more. He held onto my back as he laid me down on the seat of the car and got on top of me. He held my thigh and got in between my legs. He pulled out a knife effortlessly cutting through my shirt revealing a black lace bra. 

"Now if you struggle too much I might cut you." I froze in my tracks as he held the knife by my throat. He then trailed it down my stomach cutting my jeans off. When I started to move too much he stabbed the knife into my thigh.

I whimpered in pain trying to pull away from him knowing full well I couldn't. He grabbed my throat with his open hand and started leaving marks on my neck and started feeling me. 

"N-no, please... S-stop..." I said and then passed out. 

When I came too I was in some bedroom laying on the bed. My hands were tied above my head to the metal bed frame. There was some sort of smoke that filled the air, my lungs went numb and my head was getting fuzzy. He then came into the room glancing at me.

"Fufufu your awake, good" He smiled at the edge of the bed he disrobed. I tried to get my hands untied from the bed but I  wasn't getting anywhere. As he got onto the bed his hand ran up my leg, he pushed my legs apart and got in between them.

At his sudden touch, my body still became hot. I tried to pull away from his touch, but he grabbed my throat.

"So your still affected by the drug, then this should get interesting," he spoke and began to grind his hard-on, on me.

"S- stop," I spoke as I tried to fight him. He became angry and grabbed the knife wound on my right thigh. I screamed out in pain and tried to pull my leg away from him.

"You mouth says one thing but your body says another. Your body knows the touch of a man even though you say your only delivering. I think its more than that. Maybe your his pet, in that case I'll just cut of peaces of you and send them to him. Hmm just imagine the look on his face." He spoke as he bit a trail down my stomach. 

"S- stop it. No, e-even if you kill me. . . It'll be n-nothing to him." My body reacted even though I hated it. He smiled.

"Your reacting, so you've mostly been trained. Maybe I'll just keep you for myself." He spoke removing my underwear. 

"No. S- stop..." Everything went black.

I startled awake. I was now in some cage the man that I was delivering to was standing there, jacket in one hand door open. I watched him unsure. 

"Are you coming?" He glanced at me I assume he didn't want to take in my appearance.

"H how?.." I shook the thought from my mind. I don't care about that right now.

"M - my thigh." He sighed placing his jacket over my shoulders. He grabbed my wrist gently.

"N- no don't . . . . don't touch me." He pulled away now looking me over. 

He then put me over his shoulder and carried me out of the building. 

"Put me down. I told you no." He then gently set me down a few feet from the car.

I looked up at him confused. My head started to hurt. He noticed something wasn't right and grabbed my shoulder. Bullets rang through the air. The first two missed just cutting the jacket but the last one caught my shoulder. 

"Fei Long" The man had taken out his gun to start shooting when Fei Long just walked away. I was confused as to why he walked away as if we weren't a threat to him.

He then put his gun away and looked at me. He opened the car door for me waiting until I got in.

"We might want to leave before he changes his mind." I glanced up at him and carefully got into the back seat. He got into the drivers' side and started driving.

 I didn't care where we were going just so long as it was away from him. My mind had started to replay what had happened how useless I felt against him. I felt powerless to do anything. The car came to a stop and my door opened. I was crying because the injuries hurt and so did my inability to help myself. The man sighed and gently picked me up a man with glasses on closed the door. 

"Sir, the doctor will be here shortly, and because he does not know the extent of her injuries he's going to try to come as prepared as possible. I've also canceled your early morning appointments and changed your meetings to Thursday." the man with glasses spoke as he followed us into the apartment building and into the elevator.

"Xavier has a hot bath ready along with some clothes set up." The man with glasses spoke again as we approached the bathroom door.

"D- Did you get the drive?" I questioned looking up at the man holding me. He looked down at me. 

"Yes, I did but even still I didn't give you the word," he spoke as he set me down on the edge of the bathtub. The bathroom was fairly large and the tub was bigger then your usual bath tub. It reminded me of a master bath tub but bigger.

"But I trusted my gut, in any case if I had kept it . . . that man . . ." I didn't know what to say.

"Its ok I understand and I'm glad you made that decision." A different man walked into the bathroom.

"Asami, The Russian boss you were supposed to meet with today is angry and wants to know why you weren't there." I noticed the man from earlier.

"Tell him we will speak later and then me and you will have a talk later. Now get out." He spoke harshly. The man left the room closing the door behind him.

"How... Why did you come for me?" I asked pushing his jacket off my shoulders and onto the floor.

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