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Mike Garcia was scared. Mike Garcia was running for his life. He darted down the alleyway, his coat flapping around like crazy. He breathed heavily and twisted and turned, his legs sore. His attacker advanced on him, only for Mike to jump over a wall. The attacker just passed through it.

He slided below the dumpster, and turned a sharp right to Hollister. He ran across the shore of the Bay Area, avoiding the masses of people walking. His pursuer just walked, but somehow kept up with him. His stupid uncomfortable buttoned school shirt tucked his waist. He just hoped that his family and friends were safe.

How did this happen, he thought. He tried to recall what happened this afternoon.

[April 26, 2017, 0900 Hours, Palo Alto Middle School]

"Hey man, welcome back!" Bryan Kowalski shouted as he slapped his friend Mike on the back. Mike had just returned from the hospital, after being injured by a.. who knows what. Mike and Bryan walked up the school steps and into their classroom in the ninth floor. When they entered the room, a young man, probably in his twenties, was sitting at the teachers' desk.

"Hi, you can call me Mr. Underwood. I'm your substitute teacher for today." Mr. Underwood said.

Mike sat down at his desk in the third row. The crispy air made the classroom smell like burnt apples. 

"Hello class, today we are going to learn about equivalent fra-ah!" Mr. Underwood shouted.

The roof collapsed and fell on the bookshelf. At the massive hole sat a massive snake. It blew fire at the teacher's desk. Mr. Underwood jumped out of the way, revealing that his legs were cloven hooves. 

"Why... why is Mr. Underwood's foot like that?" Bryan whispered.

"I dunno-gah!" Mike screamed.

The snake blew a huge ball of fire at the latter. Mike bounded out of the way, falling square on  Bryan's backpack. The snake then threw another ball of fire at Mike, this time singing his arm. Mike winced in pain, and Mr. Underwood grabbed Mike and Bryan out of the way and teleported them into a forest.

"Will and Nico should be here now..." Mr. Underwood muttered.

As if on cue, two figures ran into the trees. Both were boys. One of the boys had light blonde hair and was wearing a orange shirt, while the other had olive skin and black hair, and was wearing a aviator jacket. 

"Grover, where's the... wheeze... demigods?" The blonde guy said.

Bryan raised his hand. Mike slapped his face. The guy with the aviator jacket turned to them. 

"I guess you were right, Grover. These two demigods have pretty big auras." He said.

Mike and Bryan exchanged a look. Who were these people? They looked around 16 to 17, the blonde guy was about half a head taller than the other guy. 

'Uh.. what's going on?" Mike asked.

"It's hard to explain... we'll explain on the way back. Nico, Argus is at-" he checked his pamphlet. "Curlew right?" 

The guy who was Nico nodded his head. 

"We've got to get them to Camp Half-Blood." Nico said.

Mr Underwood-No Grover-bit his pamphlet. 

The five started walking towards Curlew. After about 15 minutes walking, they spotted a black limo. Grover walked with the two younger boys to the car while Nico and the other guy looked around. As they entered the car, Mike noticed the driver- Argus had a eye on his neck. He squealed like a teenage girl (he was only thirteen) and caught Nico's attention. 

"Oh yes, not to mention, Argus is a Greek monster." he said, almost casually.

"Wait...." said Bryan, piecing it together. "You're Greek demigods?" He asked.

"Um..... yes." Blonde guy said."Bryan, you got it correct."

"How do you know my name?" 

"You see... we find demigods. We bring them to a camp where demigods could live safely. That snake this morning? Those were basilisks. Being a demigod attracts monsters." 

"What's your name then?"

"Will. Will Solace, son of Apollo." He said.

Mike made a spitting sound. 

"What about Nico?" Bryan asked.

"He's Hades."

"WHAT!?!?" Bryan and Mike screamed at the same time.

The six then drove back to Camp Half-Blood. 

" Well, a road trip's a' comin." Will said.

 Will and Nico explained the whole Greek demigod thing to the younger boys, but halfway there, in Missouri, something bad happened.

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