I look at the bartender who seemed to be busy with other customers to even pay any mind to us.

"Don't know what your talking about" I say and he just stares at me as if that will make me spill out the truth.

"Yes you do" He says.

"Probably high off the drugs" I lie straight through my teeth and he looks at me with a. Deadpan look.

That's when the bartender gives me a shot and points over to someone in the distance when I give him a raised look.

She then passes me a note that was upside down and I look over to where she pointed and see the girl who kidnapped me last night.

What the hell Is she doing here?

Ignoring the Rookie besides me I glance down at the paper and read it quick.

Wjere are your mothers true sucide notes?  Ever wondered the truth Sierra Del Rey? Or is that the reason you are in this little fighting arena?

Meet me at the place you'll know what I'm talking about.

My heart stops as I look at the note before putting it down and crushing it into a ball before tugging it in my sweater.

"Two shots before I go" I order and the bartender starts to pour it in.

I glance back at the girl and see her leaving out through the back probably knowing that I will follow her out.

"Put it under my tab" I say taking the shots.

"And put whatever the rookie orders under my tab as well" I say patting his shoulder before leaving.

"I won't stop bothering you, you know that right?" The rookie says grabbing my wrist as I was about to go.

I snatch my wrist back and give him a glare.

"If you know any better I'd say you should knock it off" I say and he gives me a smirk.

"Then i guess i don't know any better" He says and I shake my head before leaving.

After getting to my motorcycle I go to the place that I'm assuming is what she was referring to.

How did she find out? Easy she's a hacker.

I've heard all the higher ups talking about a new hacker joining the net making everyone very interested in her/ him.

I'm assuming that's who I'm about meet.

I leave my mask on as I see someone over the graveyard of Maria and I take a deep breath in before getting off.

I think about the last time I came by to visit Maria and now I felt rude not to bring her flowers.

Finally when I reach the girl sitting near the bench by Maria's grave site.

"You can take the mask off" the Siri voice says causing me to mentally roll my eyes.

"We came to discuss what you said at the bar not to discuss about my mask, kid" I say and she glares at me.

"Do you think it would be that easy?" The Siri voice says and she starts to smile as if you say she has the upper hand on this.

The Trouble Next Door (Book #3) Where stories live. Discover now