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It wasn't new for Lime to walk into the wrong places at the wrong time. There have been plenty of instances where they would walk into something strange, like when they found a homeless dude selling flowers to the elderly, or when they walked in on their parents making them a sibling that one time.
However, Lime wasn't expecting to see something as strange as Black giving Red and Pink a horseback ride. Black was tall, yes, and he was strong enough to to carry two grown people on his back, but... why?

For a long, awkward moment, Lime just stared at the three of them. They stared back.

Luckily for all four of the crewmates, the lights dimmed out.

When the lights came back on though, an emergency meeting was called to report the dead body of Blue.

"So where was the body?" Orange asked, the first to talk after fifteen seconds.

"In electrical," Purple replied. "He was next to the vent, too."

Pink quickly cleared his name. "I was in Navigations."

"Me too," Black piggybacked.

"Me too," Red agreed.

"Uh... me four?" Lime said.

Purple quickly commented on that, not the only one out of the seven to find it weird. "All four of you were in Navigations together? What were you doing?"


"PURPLE'S SUS!!" Pink yelled randomly.

-Purple was not The Impostor. 1 Impostor remains.-

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