"Yes, I do usually sit with him but I have a problem that I need to talk to Hermione about." Hermione looked at you with a very curious face. You could tell she wanted to know what this problem was. "But I swear Ron if you say anything about this to George. Or even Fred anyone in your family I will cut your head off." You said adding a smile at the end.

Your change in behavior and not wanting Ron to tell anyone so bad just made Hermione even more curious. Ron looked scared but mostly very confused as to what was so serious he couldn't say anything to your best friend.

"I realized this the other day and I do not know what to do. I'm kind of freaking out and I only really trust you with this."

Her face lit up with a smile and the the smile fell. You could only imagine all the scenarios of possible things you could ask her or tell her about.

"So what is it y/n. Spit it out I'm curious." You knew she was also another thing that's he didn't state. Scared.

"Well.. I don't really know how to say this considering I've never had to in the past... but I like someone. As like a crush. If that's what you wanna call it." You said looking down to your food so you wouldn't have to make eye contact. You were mostly avoiding Ron because he seemed suspicious of you and George's friendship and you knew George was going to be the first person to come up in his mind.

You looked up to see both Ron and Hermione smiling. Ron a little more evil.

"Wow y/n. So are you going to tell us who it is or what."

Your face turned red as you looked up at them and shook your head slightly no. You could sense eyes on you and you knew they were from Ron but you refused to look at him.

"I don't think so. At least not right here in the meal room. I can't risk anyone over hearing anything. I don't even think I want to tell him I actually like him. At least not for a while."

"Well then what advice did you come here for y/n? If it's not how to tell him then what is it?" Hermione questioned.

"I mostly came here just to talk to someone. I can barely go near him I'm so nervous and confused. I just need to get these thoughts and feeling off
My chest so I can feel better."

"Well ok then. How long have you liked this mystery guy."

"I don't know not long I think. Everything like the thoughts and feelings just came into my head last night and my head was swimming. To the point I couldn't wait for sleep so I wouldn't have to think about it anymore. I haven't really felt this way towards him for a long time and if I have then I surely never noticed it or the feelings weren't as strong." You said feeing sort of embarrassed that you had just let all this out. When Ron was sitting right there in front of you none the less! But you also felt glad to get this all off your chest it felt way Better already.

"Ok well now I have to know who he is. But if you don't want to say it here we can't talk later ok." Hermione said with a huge grin on her face. She was getting lots of entertainment out of this surely.

"Ok I'll tell you later but you can't tell anyone not a single soul." You said as you looked at both of them. Ron who was giving a little smirk at you earned a evil look if your own that startled him quite a bit.

The bell signaling that lunch was over rang and as you got up and started to walk out of the cafeteria. You slipped Hermione a note. A note which read.

Meet me in the astronomy tower after classes. DON'T bring Ron.

You know this must have seemed like Ron was the crush since you didn't want him there and didn't want to admit it while Ron was next to you In the cafeteria. Hermione would find out who it was though soon enough. And it wasn't Ron.

— after classes—

You ran up the stairs leading to the top of the astronomy tower. God you hoped no one was already up there. It was a popular place and if you ran up there you would look like a fool to leave as soon as you entered. You got to the top and braced yourself as your heart beat faster. You opened the door and were greeted with the sight of an empty room. Thank goodness no one was up there.

You waited and waited for what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes until Hermione entered.

"God Y/n you look sick.  Are you really that nervous about telling me. You don't have to if you don't want."

You were more nervous than you could put into words. But you nodded your head and said I do to let her know you weren't going to back out of telling her.

You sat down on the floor and looked at Hermione as she sat down with you.

"Before you ask what I know your going to ask. No, I do not like Ron." You stated and she let out a sigh.

"Oh thank goodness I was getting worried there. But if you don't like Ron then why wasn't I allowed to come with him."

"I just don't trust him. Like at all I know he would run off and tell this person as soon as he found out and I don't really want him to know. At least not yet."

"Sounds reasonable. So who is it?" Hermione said holding back as she tried not to jump up and down from excitement.

"So, i kind of have a crush on George." You said but you whispered the George part so quietly you knew she was going to ask again because she couldn't hear.

"Who? Sorry I couldn't hear" she said putting a hand up to her ear.

"George" you said as loud as you could. Which wasn't loud at all but you knew this time she heard it because her jaw dropped.

"Ron's brother oh my god. Ron called it. How did he know."

"What do you mean Ron called it!!" You yelled freaking out. The last thing you wanted besides George figuring out was for his sibling to know you had a crush on him.

"He told me after you left after lunch that he had a feeling it was George."

" whatever you do Hermione do not tell him he was right don't even do anything to let him know he is right or make it seem obvious if he brings it up. If he knows its right he WILL tell George." You said as you started to freak out a little bit.

"Ok but why don't you want George to find out so bad."

"If he doesn't like me back then I really don't want to ruin our friendship."

"You know I bet you Ginny could pry something out of him to see if he likes you or not."

"Don't even think about telling her Hermione. I swear!" You stated in a serious matter to let her know you weren't kidding around. You looked down at your watch and realized you had to be in your dorm soon.

You ran out of the astronomy tower and made to it way towards the Gryffindor common room. As you got there you saw Ron waiting.

He looked as if he was going to say something but before he could you said.

"Don't even think about it Ronald." And walked up to the girls dorm.

Weasley Bliss (George weasley x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ