Chapter 14: Planning A Merry Trip To Alaska

Start from the beginning

Hastily I retrieved the overly large map of America from the drawers and began tracing lines from camp to Alaska, a total of 3038 miles (4889.18km) distance; that hurt my ADHWID brain to figure out.. I had to ensure that the route frequented rest stops, hotels and of course fuel stations. I wouldn't do well to have the car run out of fuel half way and run for a week or so.

Then came the packing, I decided to.. I mean accidently misplaced my toga over on the sofa in plain sight and so unfortunately I couldn't pack it, so so unfortunate.. oh well. I began packing Reyna's clothes and realised just how casual it felt, as if I was more than used to handling women clothing than my own.. I hope this meant my old self helped women pack a lot and not anything else.. Yeah It better be that... Else I swear new me and old me will have some dam problems.

Once the bags were packed as tightly as I could, I shifted back to wolf form, relishing in the comfort it brought, then looked at the note Reyna had left for me, stating the car was located on the opposite exit of new Rome. Why it was there I had no idea since no road led from there to well anywhere. Still I'm sure they have a way out at the least though; the Romans are very organized with their road systems. Though I still wonder how they do leave from there since I can't see any direct exit from camp even if the maintenance tunnel was large enough. Which it obviously isn't since it's a dam doorway.

I left the Barracks and began walking through New Rome with bags strapped to my back, hanging from my mouth and to my bronzed tail; which was quite difficult to put on. I found myself to be the main subject of attention, whether that was due to me being a wolf carrying bags or being their praetor in all my wolfishness was unknown.. Actually it was probably both at the same time. Nonetheless I trekked on with my quickly diminishing pride to the Berkley hills gate determined to get this show on what I hoped was the road, since quite frankly I was excited to go on my first quest since my memory loss. I wonder how many I had been on before this? Must've at least been one, due to the whole becoming praetor due to some godly intervention last time.

"Damia-" Come to think of it, what was my purpose here this time? Mother seemed to believe that lady Hera- sorry, Juno had a play in my arrival here yet I've been doing whatever. was it perhaps her secretly trying to save the titans through me? Nah seems way too sincere. What was her plan? Was there even a plan at all? For all I know I dived head, or well snout first into that river.. Yeah that sounds about right.

"Hey-" still I wonder if I had a good life going for me, it seems like I was famous at least yet also a smart idiot apparently.

"DAMIAN!" shouted my little winged friend, who had been trying to grab my attention for the past 3 paragraphs of monologue.

"Oh sorry Acanthis I was in my own dam sea for a sec there. When did you wake up?" she looked both relieved and very ticked off that I had finally acknowledged her.

"I've been awake since you left the damned Barracks Damian, I was trying to tell you that you forgot the food and water supply bag at the Barracks" She was currently in her original form but with brighter and more varied colours since she was a bird anyone, but me, would have heard light chirping sounds. I loved being able to understand wildlife, especially birds. Jupiter's bolt, can they Gossip.

"Dam, I knew I forgot something. Let me get this stuff to the car first and then I can go back and get it" I always forget something don't I... bags, evil togas, my entire life... you know the usual.

"Don't worry about it, I was gonna say I'll go get it if you had taken a second away from your internal monologue. What was it this time? A debate on which carpets to drag your ass on?" Oh she has some sass.. We're going to get along perfectly.

"Sure, you know what bag it is right? It's the red one. Oh you're not colour blind right? I heard some animals are" What? I sucked at animal studies.

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