Terror days

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It was about noon now, Sia and I where running as fast as we could. We where at a park now, it was completely empty besides us, and Ironhide and Lennox just watched Sia and I fool around.

I felt my feet start to slide under me, quickly realizing the stop I stepped in was muddy, I knew what was about to happen.

Both Sia and I slid, I place my hands back to catch my fall do I dont hit the muddy floor, but Sia's whole side was covered in mud.

She was still getting up when I started to run again, I stopped when I reached Lennox and Ironhide, but I was unlucky enough to slip once more. I had given up at that point, laying on the floor as both of them laughed at me.

I smiled as I was put into a giggle fit, Lennox helped me off the floor as Sia butted me with her head. I looked down to her to see her staring anxiously at one direction. I glance over, "Shit." I mutter, one of my fathers favorite side hoes say where with her phone pointed at the four of us.

I pat Sia's head and kneel down to her, "Its fine, dad won't be mad." I whisper to her and I pet the side of her head. I stood up and smile to Lennox and Ironhide, it was fake, but they never realized, "Sia and o should probably get home." I giggled to cover up the anxiety In my voice.

Ironhide and Lennox nodded in agreement, "Let go." Ironhide said as he turned to walk to his Alt. Sia, Lennox, and I followed.


Sia and I left Ironhide's Alt, "Thank you." I thanked both males as Sia slowly stalked towards the house. As I turned and walked away they sped off, I take a deep breath and breathe in out into the air that made my breath look like I was smoking.

I open the door, yelling, "I want me dog back!" I heard my aunt scream. My father yelled curse words back at her, calling her a slut and a bitch. Sia and I entered the living room, where they where.

My aunt started to walk towards Sia and I, but as she got a foot away from us there was a loud gunshot, blood splattered on my face and chest. But it wasnt my own blood, it was hers. Sia had already bolted to my room, I stood there in shock, my mouth was open as I felt tears start to fall, blood was in my left eye, making it all layer of red. I then screamed as I felt myself floor to my knees, I started to shake my aunt who was motionless on the floor in a pool of blood. I screamed again, sobbing wildly.

I felt my body shaking, a gunshot wound in her head, all the way through. The blood was sticky on me, the blood was static, flashing colors and pouring from her mouth. I screamed, "Stop! Come back! Wake up!" But the static dissapeared as I was grabbed, a gun held to my head.

I was angry, "Pull the trigger you bitch!" I screamed at him, but he slammed the gun to my head and I was on the floor again, my nose poring blood. I screamed at him again, "You fucking ruin it all!" But my hair was grabbed, I was thrown to my feet and a gun shoved in my mouth, I bit down on the gun, my eyes showing no fear towards him.

His eyes burned in anger, the gaze was glazed with passion though, "You where at the park with your little friends earlier." He chuckled and he trailed the gun down my body, shoving me to the floor.

Static. It was all static again.

The adrenaline faded away now, covered with pain and fear. All I felt was a pain down my body, but nothing was visible but static, only my body was visible with a different static color. Red static oozing from parts of my body, clouding me with fear. I screamed as loud as I could as more pain hit me, but I could hear nothing over the static fuzz.

As the gun hit my head once again, the static disappeared, leaving the faint noise of it while my ears rung. My eyes widen in fear as a gun was pointed to my head, "Please.." I whine out to him. He pulled the gun away angrily.

He hissed venom at me as he started to walk to the door, "I expect this clean before I get home." He said before he left the house, slamming the door.

My body shook, blood poured out of my stomach as I stood up. I coughed up blood as I shook on my feet, Sia stalking towards me and licking my hand but shook her head as she tasted the blood on my hand. I stroke her head as I walk to my room with her slowly trailing behind me.

I throw the shirt off leaving me in my bra and wrap the cut on my stomach with gauze. It would do for now. I walked out and to the living room, I cringed sadly as my aunts limp body on the floor. I touched the sticky blood that was plastered on my face, it was her blood. Her blood.

I shook my head as I grab a blanket and lay it over her, picking up her body with all of my strength. I walked out the back door and into the woods. I lay the body down and cover it with leaves.

I looked down at the leaves with tears in my eyes. I turned as I walked away, going back to the house.

I walked back inside, feeling a small shiver run down my spine as I looked at the blood all over the floor. I stab a towel, soaking it in soap and water as I throw it to the floor and start to clean the blood up.


It took several towels to clean all the blood up, bit now I was sitting in my room looking down at my body my wrists where cut large enough to need stitches, I had swiped over them multiple times over and over again. I watched as the blood drip as my own sobs filled the air. I didn't know how I could do it at this point, I found myself desperately fighting for nothing.

I screamed as loud as I could, I didn't know why, maybe to try and let out all of my pain? I didn't know why though.

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